Weaving traditional ecological knowledge into the restoration of basketry plants |
Shebitz, Daniela |
2005 |
traditional ecological knowledge, ethnobotany |
Weathering uncertainty: traditional knowledge for climate change assessment and adaptation |
Nakashima, Douglas J., Galloway McLean, Kirsty, Thulstrup, Hans D., Castillo, Ameyali Ramos, and Rubis, Jennifer |
2012 |
climate change adaptation, traditional ecological knowledge, resilience |
Weakening mechanisms imposed on California’s levees under multiyear extreme drought |
Robinson, Joe D., and Farshid Vahedifard |
2016 |
water management, drought, climate change impacts |
Water/Wastewater Utilities and Extreme Climate and Weather Events; Case Studies On Community Response, Lessons Learned, Adaptation, And Planning Needs For The Future |
Beller-Simms, N., E. Brown, L. Fillmore, K. Metchis, K. Ozekin, C. Ternieden, and K. Lackey |
2014 |
water resources, hydrology |
Water-Energy Sector Vulnerability to Climate Warming in the Sierra Nevada: Simulating the Regulated Rivers of California’s West Slope Sierra Nevada |
Rheinheimer, David R., Ligare, Scott T., and Viers, Joshua H. |
2012 |
water management, climate change adaptation |
Water management adaptations to prevent loss of spring-run Chinook salmon in California under climate change |
Thompson, Lisa C., Marisa I. Escobar, Christopher M. Mosser, David R. Purkey, David Yates, and Peter B. Moyle |
2012 |
anadromous fish, water temperature, climate change impacts on biodiversity |
Water balance and topography predict fire and forest structure patterns |
Kane, Van R., James A. Lutz, C. Alina Cansler, Nicholas A. Povak, Derek J. Churchill, Douglas F. Smith, Jonathan T. Kane, and Malcolm P. North |
2015 |
water balance, forest management, wildfire |
Water and Energy Sector Vulnerability to Climate Warming in the Sierra Nevada: Water Year Classification in Non-Stationary Climates |
Null, Sarah E., and Viers, Joshua H. |
2012 |
climate change adaptation, water management |
Warming and earlier spring increase western U.S. forest wildfire activity |
Westerling, A. L., Hidalgo, H. G., Cayan, D. R. and Swetnam, T. W. |
2006 |
climate change, climate change impacts, wildfire |
Vulnerability of birds to climate change in California's Sierra Nevada |
Siegel, Rodney B., Pyle, Peter, Thorne, James H., Holguin, Andrew J., Howell, Christine H., Stock, Sarah, and Tingley, Morgan W. |
May, 2014 |
vulnerability assessment, birds, biodiversity |
Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in California Agriculture |
Jackson, Louise, Haden, Van R., Wheeler, Stephen M., Hollander, Allan D., Perlman, Josh, O'Geen, Toby, Mehta, Vishal K., Clark, Victoria, Williams, John |
2012 |
agriculture, climate change adaptation, greenhouse gas mitigation |
Vulnerabilities of Southwestern U.S. rangeland-based animal agriculture to climate change |
Havstad, K. M., J. R. Brown, R. Estell, E. Elias, A. Rango, and C. Steele |
2016 |
rangelands, climate change adaptation, resource management |
Very high resolution interpolated climate surfaces for global land areas |
Hijmans, Robert J., Cameron, Susan E., Parra, Juan L., Jones, Peter G., and Jarvis, Andy |
2005 |
climate data, climate change projections, historical climate |
Velocity of climate change algorithms for guiding conservation and management. |
Hamann, Andreas, Roberts, David R., Barber, Quinn E., Carroll, Carlos, and Nielsen, Scott E. |
2014 |
assisted migration, climate change adaptation, climate change vulnerability, climate modeling |
Vegetation cover change in the Upper Kings River basin of the Sierra Nevada detected using Landsat satellite image analysis |
Potter, Christopher |
2015 |
vegetation distribution, precipitation, biodiversity |
Vegetation change over sixty years in the Central Sierra Nevada, California, USA |
Thorne, James H., Morgan, Brian J., and Kennedy, Jeffery |
2008 |
vegetation distribution, historical biogeography, climate change |
Vascular plant extinctions in California: A critical assessment |
Rejmánek, Marcel |
2017 |
rare plants, biological conservation, endemic species |
Variability in 20th century climate change reconstructions and its consequences for predicting geographic responses of California mammals |
Parra, Juan L., and Monahan, William B. |
2008 |
mammals, species distribution modeling, historical biogeography |
Values and uncertainties in the predictions of global climate models |
Winsberg, Eric |
2012 |
climate science, climate modeling, model uncertainty |
Values and uncertainties in climate prediction, revisited |
Parker, Wendy |
2014 |
model uncertainty, epistemology, climate science |