List Documents in Library

Titlesort descending Author Date Subjects
Interactions between climate and habitat loss effects on biodiversity: a systematic review and meta-analysis Mantyka-pringle, C. S., T. G. Martin, and J. R. Rhodes 2012 biodiversity
Interactions between Habitat Loss and Climate Change: Implications for Fairy Shrimp in the Central Valley Ecoregion of California, USA Pyke, C. R. 2005 vernal pools
Interlinking climate change with water-energy-food nexus and related ecosystem processes in California case studies Liu, Qinqin 2016 water resources, agriculture, ecosystem services, climate change impacts
Internalizing climate change - scientific resource management and the climate change challenges Dettinger, Michael D., and Culberson, Steven 2008 climate change adaptation, adaptive management
Inundation timing, more than duration, affects the community structure of California vernal pool mesocosms Kneitel, J. M. 2014 vernal pools
Irrigation as an historical climate forcing Cook, Benjamin I., Sonali P. Shukla, Michael J. Puma, and Larissa S. Nazarenko 2015 agriculture, climate dynamics, water management, surface temperature
Is economic valuation of ecosystem services useful to decision-makers? Lessons learned from Australian coastal and marine management Marre, Jean-Baptiste, Olivier Thébaud, Sean Pascoe, Sarah Jennings, Jean Boncoeur, and Louisa Coglan 2016 ecosystem services, ecosystem management
Is there a role for human-induced climate change in the precipitation decline that drove the California drought? Seager, Richard, Naomi Henderson, Mark A. Cane, Haibo Liu, and Jennifer Nakamura 2017 drought, sea surface temperature, climate change impacts
Is US climatic diversity well represented within the existing federal protection network? Batllori, Enric, Carol Miller, Marc-André Parisien, Sean Aaron Parks, and Max A. Moritz 2014 protected area networks, conservation planning, climate change assessment
Isolated and integrated effects of sea level rise, seasonal runoff shifts, and annual runoff volume on California’s largest water supply Wang, Jianzhong, Yin, H., Chung, F. 2011-07 climate change impacts, sea level rise, water resources
Key lessons for incorporating natural infrastructure into regional climate adaptation planning Langridge, Suzanne M., Hartge, Eric H., Clark, Ross, Arkema, Katie, Verutes, Gregory M., Prahler, Erin E., Stoner-Duncan, Sarah, Revell, David L., Caldwell, Margaret R., Guerry, Anne D., Ruckelhaus, Mary, Abeles, Adina, Coburn, Chris, and O'Conner, Kevin 2014 sea level rise, coastal adaptation planning, coastal zone management, climate change adaptation
Klamath Youth Program Melding Science and Traditional Knowledge Wins National Award ICTMN Staff 2014 traditional ecological knowledge, indigenous peoples, resource management
Land surveys show regional variability of historical fire regimes and dry forest structure of the western United States Baker, William L., and Mark A. Williams 2018 historical biogeography, fire, forests
Landscape epidemiology of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in central California Padgett-Flohr, Gretchen E. and Hopkins, Robert L. 2010 amphibians, biodiversity, pathogens
Landscape Zonation, benefit functions and target-based planning: unifying reserve selection strategies Mollanen, Atte 2007 conservation prioritization, conservation planning, ecological modeling
Landscape-scale indicators of biodiversity's vulnerability to climate change Klausmeyer, Kirk R., Shaw, M. Rebecca, MacKenzie, Jason B., and Cameron, D. Richard 2011 vulnerability assessment, ecological indicators, climate change adaptation
Landslides in West Coast metropolitan areas: the role of extreme weather events Biasutti, Michela, Richard Seager, and Dalia B. Kirschbaum 2016 extreme events, precipitation, climate change impacts
Large wildfire trends in the western United States, 1984–2011 Dennison, Philip E., Simon C. Brewer, James D. Arnold, and Max A. Moritz 2014 drought, wildfire, fire frequency
Life history characteristics may be as important as climate projections for defining range shifts: An example for common tree species in the intermountain western US Copeland, S. M., Bradford, J. B., Duniway, M. C. & Butterfield, B. J. 2018-08 climate change impacts on biodiversity, species distribution modeling, plants
Likelihood analysis of species occurrence probability from presence-only data for modelling species distributions Royle, J. Andrew, Chandler, Richard B., Yackulic, Charles, and Nichols, James D. 2012 biodiversity management, species distribution modeling, ecological modeling
