How unusual is the 2012–2014 California drought? |
Griffin, Daniel and Anchukaitis, Kevin J. |
2014 |
drought, precipitation, paleoclimates |
How will changes in global climate influence California? |
Weare, Bryan C. |
2009 |
climate change adaptation, agriculture |
Human-induced erosion has offset one-third of carbon emissions from land cover change |
Wang, Zhengang, Thomas Hoffmann, Johan Six, Jed O. Kaplan, Gerard Govers, Sebastian Doetterl, and Kristof Van Oost |
2017 |
soil carbon, land cover change, erosion, carbon sequestration |
Hydrologic implications of dynamical and statistical approaches to downscaling climate model outputs |
Wood, A. W., Leung, L. R., Sridhar, V., and Lettenmaier, D. P. |
2004 |
hydrologic modeling, regional climate models, downscaling |
Hydrologic refugia, plants, and climate change |
McLaughlin, Blair C., David D. Ackerly, P. Zion Klos, Jennifer Natali, Todd E. Dawson, and Sally E. Thompson |
2017 |
climate refugia, hydrology, microclimatology, climate change impacts on biodiversity, oak woodlands |
Hydrologic response and watershed sensitivity to climate warming in California's Sierra Nevada |
Null, Sarah E., Viers, Joshua H., and Mount, Jeffrey F. |
2010 |
hydrology, Sierra Nevada, water management |
Hydrological response to climate warming: The Upper Feather River Watershed |
Huang, Guobiao, Kadir, T., Chung, F. |
2012-03 |
climate change impacts, hydrologic modeling, water management |
Ice, Snow and Water: impacts of climate change on California and Himalayan Asia |
Fenner, R. A. |
2009 |
climate change assessment, snowpack, water resources |
Identification of geophysically diverse locations that may facilitate species’ persistence and adaptation to climate change in the southwestern United States |
Albano, Christine M. |
2015 |
geodiversity, landscape conservation planning, climate change adaptation |
Identifying climate risk perceptions, information needs, and barriers to information exchange among public land managers |
Peters, Casey B., Mark W. Schwartz, and Mark N. Lubell |
2018 |
ecosystem management, vulnerability assessment, climate change impacts |
Identifying conservation areas on the basis of alternative distribution data sets |
Underwood, Jared G., D'agrosa, Caterina, and Gerber, Leah R. |
2010 |
conservation planning, conservation prioritization, model uncertainty |
Identifying habitat conservation priorities and gaps for migratory shorebirds and waterfowl in California |
Stralberg, Diana, Cameron, D. Richard, Reynolds, Mark D., Hickey, Catherine M., Klausmeyer, Kirk, Busby, Sylvia M., Stenzel, Lynne E., Shuford, W. David, and Page, Gary W. |
2011 |
biodiversity management, birds, conservation prioritization |
Identifying the best climatic predictors in ecology and evolution |
van de Pol, Martijn, Liam D. Bailey, Nina McLean, Laurie Rijsdijk, Callum R. Lawson, and Lyanne Brouwer |
2016 |
weather, bioclimatic modeling |
Identifying Vulnerable Species and Adaptation Strategies in the Southern Sierra of California Using Historical Resurveys |
Santos, Maria J., Moritz, Craig, and Thorne, James H. |
2012 |
historical biogeography, climate change, species distributions |
Impact of a century of climate change on small-mammal communities in Yosemite National Park, USA |
Moritz, Craig, Patton, James L., Conroy, Chris J., Parra, Juan L., White, Gary C., and Beissinger, Steven R. |
2008 |
mammals, climate change, species distributions |
Impact of climate change on cold hardiness of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii): environmental and genetic considerations |
Bansal, Sheel, J. Bradley ST Clair, Constance A. Harrington, and Peter J. Gould |
2015 |
Pseudotsuga menziesii, minimum temperature, climate change impacts on biodiversity |