Declines of the California red-legged frog: climate, UV-B, habitat, and pesticides hypotheses |
Davidson, Carlos, Shaffer, H. Bradley, and Jennings, Mark R. |
2001 |
amphibians, pesticides, biological conservation |
The California Gap Analysis Project: Final Report |
Davis, F. W., Stoms, D. M., Hollander, A. D., Thomas, K. A., Stine, P. A., Odion, D., Borchert, M. I., Thorne, J. H., Gray M. V., Walker, R. E., Warner, K., and Graae, J. |
1998 |
vegetation distribution, species distribution modeling, biodiversity management |
Private landowner conservation behavior following participation in voluntary incentive programs: recommendations to facilitate behavioral persistence |
Dayer, Ashley A., Seth H. Lutter, Kristin A. Sesser, Catherine M. Hickey, and Thomas Gardali, |
2017 |
landscape conservation planning, conservation lands |
Large wildfire trends in the western United States, 1984–2011 |
Dennison, Philip E., Simon C. Brewer, James D. Arnold, and Max A. Moritz |
2014 |
drought, wildfire, fire frequency |
Guidelines for Considering Traditional Knowledges in Climate Change Initiatives |
Department of Interior Advisory Committee on Climate Change and Natural Resource Science |
2014 |
resource management, climate change adaptation, traditional ecological knowledge |
Managing an uncertain future: climate change adaptation strategies for California's water |
Department of Water Resources |
2008 |
climate change adaptation, water resources |
Communication of the role of natural variability in future North American climate |
Deser, Clara, Reto Knutti, Susan Solomon, and Adam S. Phillips |
2012 |
communication about climate change, climate variability, model uncertainty |
The Coming Megafloods |
Dettinger, M., and Ingram, B. L. |
2012 |
atmospheric rivers, storms, flooding |
Historical and future relations between large storms and droughts in California |
Dettinger, Michael |
2016 |
drought, storms, precipitation, climate change projections |
From climate-change spaghetti to climate-change distributions for 21st Century California |
Dettinger, Michael |
2005 |
climate change projections, climate modeling |
Climate change, atmospheric rivers, and floods in California - a multimodel analysis of storm frequency and magnitude changes |
Dettinger, Michael |
2011 |
atmospheric rivers, climate change, precipitation, flooding |
Drought and the California Delta—A Matter of Extremes |
Dettinger, Michael and Cayan, Daniel R. |
2014 |
drought, precipitation |
Atmospheric rivers as drought busters on the U.S. West Coast |
Dettinger, Michael D. |
2013 |
atmospheric rivers, drought, precipitation |
Internalizing climate change - scientific resource management and the climate change challenges |
Dettinger, Michael D., and Culberson, Steven |
2008 |
climate change adaptation, adaptive management |
Atmospheric rivers, floods and the water resources of California |
Dettinger, Michael D., Ralph, Fred Martin, Das, Taphas, Neiman, Paul J., and Cayan, Daniel R. |
2011 |
atmospheric rivers, water management, extreme events |
Western water and climate change |
Dettinger, Michael, Bradley Udall, and Aris Georgakakos |
2015 |
water management, climate change impacts, precipitation |