Range and niche shifts in response to past climate change in the desert horned lizard (Phrynosoma platyrhinos) |
Jezkova, Tereza, Jef R. Jaeger, Viktória Oláh-Hemmings, K. Bruce Jones, Rafael A. Lara-Resendiz, Daniel G. Mulcahy, and Brett R. Riddle |
2015 |
reptiles, paleoclimates, species distributions |
Ocean acidification science needs for natural resource managers of the North American west coast |
Boehm, A.B., M.Z. Jacobson, M.J. O’Donnell, M. Sutula, W.W. Wakefield, S.B. Weisberg, and E. Whiteman |
2015 |
ocean acidification |
Climate science and slow violence: A view from political geography and STS on mobilizing technoscientific ontologies of climate change |
O’Lear, Shannon |
2015 |
science and technology studies, social science, climate science |
The carbon balance of reducing wildfire risk and restoring process: an analysis of 10-year post-treatment carbon dynamics in a mixed-conifer forest |
Wiechmann Morgan L., Hurteau, Matthew D., North, Malcolm P., Koch, George W., and Jerabkova, Lucie |
2015 |
wildfire, carbon sequestration, forest management |
Effects of local drought condition on public opinions about water supply and future climate change |
Evans, Jason M., Calabria, Jon, Borisova, Tatiana, Boellstorf, Diane E., Sochacka, Nicki, Smolen, Michael D., Mahler, Robert L., and Risse, L. Mark |
2015 |
drought, climate change impacts, public perception of climate change |
Will there be a shift to alien-dominated vegetation assemblages under climate change? |
Leishman, Michelle R. and Gallagher, Rachael V. |
2015 |
invasive species, plant diversity, biodiversity |
Towards predictive understanding of regional climate change |
Xie, Shang-Ping, Clara Deser, Gabriel A. Vecchi, Matthew Collins, Thomas L. Delworth, Alex Hall, Ed Hawkins, Nathaniel C. Johnson, Christophe Cassou, Alessandra Giannini, and Masahiro Watanabe |
2015 |
regional climate models, model uncertainty |
The theory behind, and the challenges of, conserving nature's stage in a time of rapid change |
Lawler, Joshua J., Ackerly, David D., Albano, Christine M., Anderson, Mark G., Dobrowski, Solomon Z., Gill, Jacquelyn L., Heller, Nicole E., Pressey, Robert L., Sanderson, Eric W., and Weiss, Stuart B. |
2015 |
geodiversity, biological conservation, conservation planning |
The Ethics of Traditional Knowledge Exchange in Climate Change Initiatives |
Climate and Traditional Knowledges Workgroup |
2015 |
traditional ecological knowledge, ethics, indigenous peoples, climate change |
Climate change impacts on extreme events in the United States: an uncertainty analysis |
Monier, Erwan and Gao, Xiang |
2015 |
model uncertainty, extreme events, climate change projections |
ENSO and the California Current coastal upwelling response |
Jacox, Michael G., Jerome Fiechter, Andrew M. Moore, and Christopher A. Edwards |
2015 |
El Niño - Southern Oscillation, upwelling |
What Do Indigenous Knowledges Do for Indigenous Peoples? |
Whyte, Kyle Powys |
2015 |
traditional ecological knowledge, knowledge exchange, indigenous peoples |
Under pressure: climate change, upwelling, and Eastern Boundary Upwelling Ecosystems |
García-Reyes, Marisol, William J. Sydeman, David S. Schoeman, Ryan R. Rykaczewski, Bryan A. Black, Albertus J. Smit, and Steven J. Bograd |
2015 |
upwelling, climate change impacts, sea surface temperature, biogeochemistry |
Superensemble regional climate modeling for the western US |
Mote, Philip W., Myles R. Allen, Richard G. Jones, Sihan Li, Roberto Mera, David E. Rupp, Ahmed Salahuddin, and Dean Vickers |
2015 |
climate modeling, regional climate models |
Climate change, genetic markers and species distribution modelling |
Gotelli, Nicholas J. and John Stanton-Geddes |
2015 |
species distribution modeling, ecological genetics, biodiversity |
Drought in Southern California |
California-Nevada Climate Applications Program |
2015 |
drought, water resources, climate change impacts |
Evidence for intercontinental parasite exchange through molecular detection and characterization of haematozoa in northern pintails (Anas acuta) sampled throughout the North Pacific Basin |
Ramey, A. M., J. A. Schmutz, J. A. Reed, G. Fujita, B. D. Scotton, B. Casler, J. P. Fleskes, K. Konishi, K. Uchida, M. J. Yabsley |
2015 |
birds, waterbirds |
Targeting climate diversity in conservation planning to build resilience to climate change |
Heller, Nicole E., Jason Kreitler, David D. Ackerly, Stuart B. Weiss, Amanda Recinos, Ryan Branciforte, Lorraine E. Flint, Alan L. Flint, and Elisabeth Micheli |
2015 |
resilience, conservation planning, case studies |
Perspectives and Guidance for Climate Change Analysis |
Lynn, Elissa, Andrew Schwarz, Jamie Anderson, and Matt Correa |
2015 |
global circulation models, climate modeling, downscaled climate data |
The cost of climate change: Ecosystem services and wildland fires |
Lee, Christine, Claire Schlemme, Jessica Murray, and Robert Unsworth |
2015 |
ecosystem services, wildfire, climate change impacts |