List Documents in Library

Title Author Datesort ascending Subjects
Range and niche shifts in response to past climate change in the desert horned lizard (Phrynosoma platyrhinos) Jezkova, Tereza, Jef R. Jaeger, Viktória Oláh-Hemmings, K. Bruce Jones, Rafael A. Lara-Resendiz, Daniel G. Mulcahy, and Brett R. Riddle 2015 reptiles, paleoclimates, species distributions
Ocean acidification science needs for natural resource managers of the North American west coast Boehm, A.B., M.Z. Jacobson, M.J. O’Donnell, M. Sutula, W.W. Wakefield, S.B. Weisberg, and E. Whiteman 2015 ocean acidification
Climate science and slow violence: A view from political geography and STS on mobilizing technoscientific ontologies of climate change O’Lear, Shannon 2015 science and technology studies, social science, climate science
The carbon balance of reducing wildfire risk and restoring process: an analysis of 10-year post-treatment carbon dynamics in a mixed-conifer forest Wiechmann Morgan L., Hurteau, Matthew D., North, Malcolm P., Koch, George W., and Jerabkova, Lucie 2015 wildfire, carbon sequestration, forest management
Effects of local drought condition on public opinions about water supply and future climate change Evans, Jason M., Calabria, Jon, Borisova, Tatiana, Boellstorf, Diane E., Sochacka, Nicki, Smolen, Michael D., Mahler, Robert L., and Risse, L. Mark 2015 drought, climate change impacts, public perception of climate change
Will there be a shift to alien-dominated vegetation assemblages under climate change? Leishman, Michelle R. and Gallagher, Rachael V. 2015 invasive species, plant diversity, biodiversity
Towards predictive understanding of regional climate change Xie, Shang-Ping, Clara Deser, Gabriel A. Vecchi, Matthew Collins, Thomas L. Delworth, Alex Hall, Ed Hawkins, Nathaniel C. Johnson, Christophe Cassou, Alessandra Giannini, and Masahiro Watanabe 2015 regional climate models, model uncertainty
The theory behind, and the challenges of, conserving nature's stage in a time of rapid change Lawler, Joshua J., Ackerly, David D., Albano, Christine M., Anderson, Mark G., Dobrowski, Solomon Z., Gill, Jacquelyn L., Heller, Nicole E., Pressey, Robert L., Sanderson, Eric W., and Weiss, Stuart B. 2015 geodiversity, biological conservation, conservation planning
The Ethics of Traditional Knowledge Exchange in Climate Change Initiatives Climate and Traditional Knowledges Workgroup 2015 traditional ecological knowledge, ethics, indigenous peoples, climate change
Climate change impacts on extreme events in the United States: an uncertainty analysis Monier, Erwan and Gao, Xiang 2015 model uncertainty, extreme events, climate change projections
ENSO and the California Current coastal upwelling response Jacox, Michael G., Jerome Fiechter, Andrew M. Moore, and Christopher A. Edwards 2015 El Niño - Southern Oscillation, upwelling
What Do Indigenous Knowledges Do for Indigenous Peoples? Whyte, Kyle Powys 2015 traditional ecological knowledge, knowledge exchange, indigenous peoples
Under pressure: climate change, upwelling, and Eastern Boundary Upwelling Ecosystems García-Reyes, Marisol, William J. Sydeman, David S. Schoeman, Ryan R. Rykaczewski, Bryan A. Black, Albertus J. Smit, and Steven J. Bograd 2015 upwelling, climate change impacts, sea surface temperature, biogeochemistry
Superensemble regional climate modeling for the western US Mote, Philip W., Myles R. Allen, Richard G. Jones, Sihan Li, Roberto Mera, David E. Rupp, Ahmed Salahuddin, and Dean Vickers 2015 climate modeling, regional climate models
Climate change, genetic markers and species distribution modelling Gotelli, Nicholas J. and John Stanton-Geddes 2015 species distribution modeling, ecological genetics, biodiversity
Drought in Southern California California-Nevada Climate Applications Program 2015 drought, water resources, climate change impacts
Evidence for intercontinental parasite exchange through molecular detection and characterization of haematozoa in northern pintails (Anas acuta) sampled throughout the North Pacific Basin Ramey, A. M., J. A. Schmutz, J. A. Reed, G. Fujita, B. D. Scotton, B. Casler, J. P. Fleskes, K. Konishi, K. Uchida, M. J. Yabsley 2015 birds, waterbirds
Targeting climate diversity in conservation planning to build resilience to climate change Heller, Nicole E., Jason Kreitler, David D. Ackerly, Stuart B. Weiss, Amanda Recinos, Ryan Branciforte, Lorraine E. Flint, Alan L. Flint, and Elisabeth Micheli 2015 resilience, conservation planning, case studies
Perspectives and Guidance for Climate Change Analysis Lynn, Elissa, Andrew Schwarz, Jamie Anderson, and Matt Correa 2015 global circulation models, climate modeling, downscaled climate data
The cost of climate change: Ecosystem services and wildland fires Lee, Christine, Claire Schlemme, Jessica Murray, and Robert Unsworth 2015 ecosystem services, wildfire, climate change impacts
