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Title Author Datesort ascending Subjects
Our Changing Climate 2012; Vulnerability & Adaptation to the Increasing Risks from Climate Change. A Summary Report on the Third Assessment from the California Climate Change Center in California California Climate Change Center 2012 climate change impacts
Downscaling future climate projections to the watershed scale: a North San Francisco Bay Estuary case study Micheli, Elisabeth, Flint, Lorraine, Flint, Alan, Weiss, Stuart , and Kennedy, Morgan 2012 case studies, climate change impacts, hydrology, downscaling, Basin Characterization Model, stream flow, groundwater recharge, climatic water deficit
Climate Change Adaptations for Local Water Management in the San Francisco Bay Area Sicke, William S., Lund, Jay R., and Medellin-Azuara, Josué 2012 climate change adaptation, water management
Projected Effects of Future Climates on Freshwater Fishes of California Moyle, Peter B., Kiernan, Joseph D., Crain, Patrick K., and Quiñones, Rebecca M. 2012 fish, climate change, climate change impacts
Adaptation Strategies for Agricultural Sustainability in Yolo County, California Jackson, Louise, Haden, Van R., Hollander, Allan D., Lee, Hyunok, Lubell, Mark, Mehta, Vishal K., O'Geen, Toby, Niles, Meredith, Perlman, Josh, Purkey, David, Salas, William, Sumner, Dan, Tomuta, Mihaela, Dempsey, Michael, and Wheeler, Stephen M. 2012 agriculture, climate change adaptation, greenhouse gas mitigation
Values and uncertainties in the predictions of global climate models Winsberg, Eric 2012 climate science, climate modeling, model uncertainty
U.S. National Forests adapt to climate change through science–management partnerships Littell, Jeremy, Peterson, David, Millar, Constance, and O'Halloran, Kathy 2012 forest management, climate change adaptation
Development and Application of Downscaled Hydroclimatic Predictor Variables for Use in Climate Vulnerability and Assessment Studies Thorne, James, Boynton, Ryan, Flint, Lorraine, Flint, Alan, Le, Thuy-N'Goc 2012 climate change projections, hydrologic modeling, climatic water deficit, downscaling
The Uneven Response of Different Snow Measures to Human-Induced Climate Warming Pierce, D. W., and D. R. Cayan 2012 snowpack
Adapting to Sea Level Rise: A Guide for California’s Coastal Communities Russell, Nicole and Griggs, Gary 2012 sea level rise
Applying Climate Adaptation Concepts to the Landscape Scale: Examples from the Sierra and Stanislaus National Forests Aplet, Greg and Gallo, John 2012 climate change adaptation, forest management, novel ecosystems
Isolated and integrated effects of sea level rise, seasonal runoff shifts, and annual runoff volume on California’s largest water supply Wang, Jianzhong, Yin, H., Chung, F. 2011-07 climate change impacts, sea level rise, water resources
A blueprint for blue carbon: toward an improved understanding of the role of vegetated coastal habitats in sequestering CO2 Mcleod, Elizabeth, Gail L Chmura, Steven Bouillon, Rodney Salm, Mats Björk, Carlos M Duarte, Catherine E Lovelock, William H Schlesinger, and Brian R Silliman 2011 estuarine ecosystems, carbon sequestration, tidal marshes, mangrove forests
A methodology for predicting future coastal hazards due to sea-level rise on the California Coast Revell, David, Battalio, Robert, Spear, Brian, Ruggiero, Peter, and Vandever, Justin 2011 sea level rise, climate change, coastal flooding
Achieving conservation when opportunity costs are high: optimizing reserve design in Alberta's oil sands region Schneider, Richard A., Hauer, Grant, Farr Dan, Adamowicz, W. L., and Boutin, Stan 2011 conservation planning, conservation prioritization, economic optimization, case studies
Comment on "Changes in climatic water balance drive downhill shifts in plant species’ optimum elevations” Wolf, Adam, and Anderegg, William R. L. 2011 climate change, vegetation distribution, climatic water deficit
Climate change and flood operations in the Sacramento Basin, California Wills, Ann D., Lund, Jay R., Townsley, Edwin S. and Faber, Beth P. 2011 flood risk management, climate change adaptation
The impact of climate change on California’s ecosystem services Shaw, M. Rebecca, Pendleton, Linwood, Cameron, D. Richard, Morris, Belinda, Bachelet, Dominique, Klausmeyer, Kirk, MacKenzie, Jason, Conklin, David R., Bratman, Gregrory N., Lenihan, James, Haunreiter, Erik, Daly, Christopher, and Roehrdanz, Patrick R. 2011 ecosystem services, climate change
Projected Effects of Climate Change in California: Ecoregional Summaries Emphasizing Consequences for Wildlife Gardali, T., Howell, C., Seavy, N., Shuford, W. D., Stralberg, D. 2011 climate change impacts
Facing the Storm: Indian Tribes, Climate-Induced Weather Extremes, and the Future for Indian Country National Wildlife Federation 2011 traditional ecological knowledge, resilience, resource management
