List Documents in Library

Title Author Datesort descending Subjects
Five potential consequences of climate change for invasive species Hellmann, J. J., J. E. Byers, B. G. Bierwagen, and J. S. Dukes 2008 invasive species
Modeling of species distributions with Maxent: new extensions and a comprehensive evaluation Philips, Steven J. and Dudík, Miroslav 2008 species distribution modeling
BioMove – Creation of a Complex and Dynamic Model for Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change on California Vegetation Hannah, Lee, Midgley, Guy, Davies, Ian, Davis, Frank, Ries, Lydia, Thuiller, Wilfried, Thorne, James, Seo, Changwan, Stoms, David, and Snider, Nathan 2008 species distribution modeling, vegetation distribution, climate change
Climate change and the future of California's endemic flora Loarie, Scott R., Carter, Benjamin E., Hayhoe, Katharine, McMahon, Sean, Moe, Richard, Knight, Charles A., Ackerly, David D., 2008 climate change, plants, endemic species, plant diversity
Planning for persistence in marine reserves: a question of catastrophic importance Game, Edward T., Watts, Matthew E., Wooldrdge, Scott, and Possingham, Hugh P. 2008 biodiversity management, coral reefs, conservation prioritization, extreme events
Resource management in a changing and uncertain climate Joshua J Lawler, Timothy H Tear, Chris Pyke, M Rebecca Shaw, Patrick Gonzalez, Peter Kareiva, Lara Hansen, Lee Hannah, Kirk Klausmeyer, Allison Aldous, Craig Bienz, and Sam Pearsall 2008 resource management
Overview of the California climate change scenarios project Cayan, Daniel R., Luers, Amy L., Franco, Guido, Hanemann, Michael, Croes, Bart, and Vine, Edward 2008 climate change projections, climate change adaptation
Climate change projections of sea level extremes along the California coast Cayan, Daniel, Bromirski, Peter, Hayhoe, Katharine, Tyree, Mary, Dettinger, Michael, and Flick, Reinhard 2008 sea level rise, climate change, extreme events
A standard lexicon for biodiversity conservation: unified classifications of threats and actions Salafsky, Nick, Daniel Salzer, Alison J. Stattersfield, Craig Hilton-Taylor, Rachel Neugarten, Stuart H. M. Butchart, Ben Collen, Neil Cox, Lawrence L. Master, Sheila O'Connor, and David Wilkie 2008 conservation planning, informatics, data sharing
Internalizing climate change - scientific resource management and the climate change challenges Dettinger, Michael D., and Culberson, Steven 2008 climate change adaptation, adaptive management
Response of vegetation distribution, ecosystem productivity, and fire to climate change scenarios for California Lenihan, James M., Bachelet, Dominique, Neilson, Ronald P., and Drapek, Raymond 2008 vegetation modeling, wildfire, climate change impacts
Re-shuffling of species with climate disruption: a no-analog future for California birds? Stralberg, Diana, Jongsomjit, Dennis, Howell, Christine A., Snyder, Mark A., Alexander, John D., Wiens, John A., and Root, Terry L. 2009 climate change, species distributions, birds
California Climate Adaptation Strategy California Natural Resources Agency 2009 climate change impacts, climate change adaptation
An Urban Estuary in a Changing World: Diversity, Invasions, and Climate Change in San Francisco Bay Chang, Andrew L. 2009 estuarine ecosystems, climate change impacts
A Tribal White Paper on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Intertribal Climate Change Working Group 2009 indigenous peoples, climate change impacts, climate change adaptation
When do conservation planning methods deliver? Quantifying the consequences of uncertainty Langford, William T., Gordon, Ascelin, and Bastin, Lucy 2009 model uncertainty, conservation planning, conservation prioritization
Simulating vegetation shifts and carbon cycling in Yosemite National Park Conklin, David R. 2009 vegetation modeling, bioclimatic modeling, climate change impacts
Niches, models, and climate change: Assessing the assumptions and uncertainties Wiens, J. A., Stralberg, Diana, Jongsomjit, Dennis, Howell, Christine A. and Snyder, Mark A. 2009 species distribution modeling, model uncertainty
Using future climate projections to support water resources decision making in California, California Energy Commission Technical Report Chung, F., Anderson, J., Arora, S., Ejeta, M., Galef, J., Kadir, T., Kao, K., Olson, A., Quan, C., Reyes, E., Roos, M., Seneviratne, S., Wang, J., Yin, H., Blomquist, N. 2009 water resources, precipitation, sea level rise
Ice, Snow and Water: impacts of climate change on California and Himalayan Asia Fenner, R. A. 2009 climate change assessment, snowpack, water resources
