Five potential consequences of climate change for invasive species |
Hellmann, J. J., J. E. Byers, B. G. Bierwagen, and J. S. Dukes |
2008 |
invasive species |
Modeling of species distributions with Maxent: new extensions and a comprehensive evaluation |
Philips, Steven J. and Dudík, Miroslav |
2008 |
species distribution modeling |
BioMove – Creation of a Complex and Dynamic Model for Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change on California Vegetation |
Hannah, Lee, Midgley, Guy, Davies, Ian, Davis, Frank, Ries, Lydia, Thuiller, Wilfried, Thorne, James, Seo, Changwan, Stoms, David, and Snider, Nathan |
2008 |
species distribution modeling, vegetation distribution, climate change |
Climate change and the future of California's endemic flora |
Loarie, Scott R., Carter, Benjamin E., Hayhoe, Katharine, McMahon, Sean, Moe, Richard, Knight, Charles A., Ackerly, David D., |
2008 |
climate change, plants, endemic species, plant diversity |
Planning for persistence in marine reserves: a question of catastrophic importance |
Game, Edward T., Watts, Matthew E., Wooldrdge, Scott, and Possingham, Hugh P. |
2008 |
biodiversity management, coral reefs, conservation prioritization, extreme events |
Resource management in a changing and uncertain climate |
Joshua J Lawler, Timothy H Tear, Chris Pyke, M Rebecca Shaw, Patrick Gonzalez, Peter Kareiva, Lara Hansen, Lee Hannah, Kirk Klausmeyer, Allison Aldous, Craig Bienz, and Sam Pearsall |
2008 |
resource management |
Overview of the California climate change scenarios project |
Cayan, Daniel R., Luers, Amy L., Franco, Guido, Hanemann, Michael, Croes, Bart, and Vine, Edward |
2008 |
climate change projections, climate change adaptation |
Climate change projections of sea level extremes along the California coast |
Cayan, Daniel, Bromirski, Peter, Hayhoe, Katharine, Tyree, Mary, Dettinger, Michael, and Flick, Reinhard |
2008 |
sea level rise, climate change, extreme events |
A standard lexicon for biodiversity conservation: unified classifications of threats and actions |
Salafsky, Nick, Daniel Salzer, Alison J. Stattersfield, Craig Hilton-Taylor, Rachel Neugarten, Stuart H. M. Butchart, Ben Collen, Neil Cox, Lawrence L. Master, Sheila O'Connor, and David Wilkie |
2008 |
conservation planning, informatics, data sharing |
Internalizing climate change - scientific resource management and the climate change challenges |
Dettinger, Michael D., and Culberson, Steven |
2008 |
climate change adaptation, adaptive management |
Response of vegetation distribution, ecosystem productivity, and fire to climate change scenarios for California |
Lenihan, James M., Bachelet, Dominique, Neilson, Ronald P., and Drapek, Raymond |
2008 |
vegetation modeling, wildfire, climate change impacts |
Re-shuffling of species with climate disruption: a no-analog future for California birds? |
Stralberg, Diana, Jongsomjit, Dennis, Howell, Christine A., Snyder, Mark A., Alexander, John D., Wiens, John A., and Root, Terry L. |
2009 |
climate change, species distributions, birds |
California Climate Adaptation Strategy |
California Natural Resources Agency |
2009 |
climate change impacts, climate change adaptation |
An Urban Estuary in a Changing World: Diversity, Invasions, and Climate Change in San Francisco Bay |
Chang, Andrew L. |
2009 |
estuarine ecosystems, climate change impacts |
A Tribal White Paper on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation |
Intertribal Climate Change Working Group |
2009 |
indigenous peoples, climate change impacts, climate change adaptation |
When do conservation planning methods deliver? Quantifying the consequences of uncertainty |
Langford, William T., Gordon, Ascelin, and Bastin, Lucy |
2009 |
model uncertainty, conservation planning, conservation prioritization |
Simulating vegetation shifts and carbon cycling in Yosemite National Park |
Conklin, David R. |
2009 |
vegetation modeling, bioclimatic modeling, climate change impacts |
Niches, models, and climate change: Assessing the assumptions and uncertainties |
Wiens, J. A., Stralberg, Diana, Jongsomjit, Dennis, Howell, Christine A. and Snyder, Mark A. |
2009 |
species distribution modeling, model uncertainty |
Using future climate projections to support water resources decision making in California, California Energy Commission Technical Report |
Chung, F., Anderson, J., Arora, S., Ejeta, M., Galef, J., Kadir, T., Kao, K., Olson, A., Quan, C., Reyes, E., Roos, M., Seneviratne, S., Wang, J., Yin, H., Blomquist, N. |
2009 |
water resources, precipitation, sea level rise |
Ice, Snow and Water: impacts of climate change on California and Himalayan Asia |
Fenner, R. A. |
2009 |
climate change assessment, snowpack, water resources |