Tools for Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change
Title | Tool Form | Tool Theme | Geo Focus | Creator | Description | Demo Link |
Template for Addressing Climate Change Impacts and Management Options (TACCIMO)![]() |
Web based | Forest planning | United States | USDA Forest Service Partnership |
The Template for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Management Options (TACCIMO) is a literature review and annotated publication database of climate change knowledge for forest ecosystems. |
Overview Video |
Actions Likely to Increase Plant and Animal Resilience to Climate Change![]() |
Web based | conservation planning | California | The Nature Conservancy |
This map-viewer from The Nature Conservancy allows you to explore the results of a state-wide vulnerability assessment and see recommended conservation actions based on the study for any area in the state. |
AdaptWest Ecoregion Climate Explorer![]() |
Web based | historic and projected climate data | Western North America |
A tool for visualizing current and projected future climate data for North American ecoregions. |
CalAdapt![]() |
Web based | Temperature, Snowpack, Precipitation, Wildfire, Extreme events | California | UC Berkeley Geospatial Innovation Facility |
CalAdapt provides tools to display colorful maps, map animations, and easy-to-read graphs that illustrate how the climate may change based on a variety of different potential social and economic factors. |
CalAdapt Threatened Areas Maps![]() |
Web based | Sea level rise | California | UC Berkeley Geospatial Innovation Facility |
Map tool displays areas that may be in threat of inundation during an extreme flood event (100 year flood) for current and three projected sea levels. Uses a simple "bathtub" model; maps are available for the entire coastline. |
California Climate and Hydrology Change Graphs![]() |
Web based | Climate change, hydrology | California | Climate Commons |
This graphing tool presents historical and projected climate and hydrology data values from the California Basin Characterization Model dataset plotted over time for 156 hydrologic basins (HUC-8 basins) that comprise hydrologic California. |
Tutorial Videos |
CalWeedMapper![]() |
Web based | Invasive plants | California | California Invasive Plant Council (Cal-IPC) |
CalWeedMapper uses maps of invasive plant distributions and information about plant spread to inform strategic weed management planning. Contains current distribution maps of 210 invasive plants, maps of suitable range in 2010 and 2050 climate for 79 species. Provides reports of recommended action for a user-defined region. |
Sample Regional Species Map Report |
Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (CAKE)![]() |
Web based | Climate adaptation | World | EcoADapt |
The CAKE website provides searchable collections of four types of climate adaptation information resources: case studies, a document library, a directory of people and organizations, and online tools. Practitioners can join the CAKE Community to participate in discussions and stay abreast of events and topics. |
Climate Commons Hosted Datasets![]() |
Web based | Climate change impacts, hydrology, species distribution, historic and projected climate data | California | Point Blue Conservation Science, CA LCC |
Provides viewing and download of spatial data useful for assessing climate change and its impacts at the watershed scale. Data available here include the Basin Characterization Model, conservation prioritization, and species distribution models. |
3-Minute Tutorial |
Climate Registry for the Assessment of Vulnerability (CRAVe)![]() |
Web based | Species Vulnerability | United States | EcoAdapt |
CRAVe is a searchable database of natural and human resource climate change vulnerability assessments developed for the USGS. Users must create an account and log in, and can add records. |
Climate Wizard![]() |
Web based | historic and projected climate data | World, United States | TNC, U. of Washington, and U. of So. Mississippi |
Online mapping tool that lets you view historic and projected temperature and rainfall maps for anywhere in the world and download climate change maps. Data for the U.S. is 4 km PRISM (historic) and 12 km CMIP3 models (future). |
Climate-Smart Restoration Toolkit![]() |
Spreadsheet | restoration | Coastal Central California | Point Blue Conservation Science |
Riparian Restoration Design Database and Restoration Checklist. Comes with a How-To guide. |
How-To Guide |
Coastal Resilience![]() |
Web based | Sea level rise, Tidal marshes | Coastal California | The Nature Conservancy |
Flexible online ESRI-based mapping tool with many data layers intended for use in coastal community planning, allowing for consideration of approaches to address sea level rise adaptation for habitats and human infrastructure. Allows user to create custom maps and generate a URL to use for sharing the map and data or embed it in another website. |
Built-in Tour |
Conservation Lands Network Explorer Tool![]() |
Web based | conservation planning | San Francisco Bay Area | Bay Area Open Space Council |
Explore Conservation Lands Network data layers for a user-selected polygon including vegetation types, rarity rankings, protected lands, streams, topography, connectivity, and climate change indices; generate a biodiversity and conservation value report for your region of interest. |
Sample Report |
Data Basin![]() |
Web based | conservation planning | World | Conservation Biology Institute |
Data Basin provides online map-making and data-sharing utilities, allowing the user to discover and use shared spatial data & related information, create maps and do certain spatial analyses, use collaborative tools in groups, and publish datasets and maps in organized galleries. |
Data Basin Climate Center![]() |
Web based | Climate change | World | Conservation Biology Institute |
An online mapping and analysis environment with a large collection of datasets. Provides services in data processing and hosting, map creation and sharing, and training. |
Tour |
Desert LCC Conservation Planning Atlas![]() |
Web based | Desert ecosystems | Southwest United States | Desert LCC |
The Desert LCC Conservation Planning Atlas is a platform for data discovery, sharing, and collaboration for stakeholders throughout the Desert LCC area. Allows users to search for spatial datasets, visualize LCC-supported projects, and learn more about conservation science and design in the region. |
Future San Francisco Bay Tidal Marshes![]() |
Web based | Tidal marshes | San Francisco Bay and Estuary | Point Blue Conservation Science |
Allows the user to select sea-level rise and sedimentation scenarios to examine future tidal marsh habitat change in the San Francisco Bay Estuary over the next 100 years. |
Tutorial video |
Hazus-Multi-Hazard (MH)![]() |
Desktop GIS | Economic loss, Preparedness, Natural Hazards | United States |
A powerful risk assessment methodology for analyzing potential losses from floods, hurricane winds, coastal surge and earthquakes. |
LandCarbon![]() |
Web based | carbon sequestration | United States |
A web-based visualization tool for assessing carbon storage and fluxes in the nation's ecosystems. |
Tutorial | |
Modeling Bird Distribution Responses to Climate Change![]() |
Web based | birds | California | Point Blue Conservation Science |
Probabilities of occurrence of California Birds Species of Special Concern modeled using present day and future projected vegetation and climate variables. |
NatureServe Vista![]() |
Desktop GIS | conservation planning | United States | NatureServe |
NatureServe Vista® is a free, ArcGIS extension that automates advanced spatial analyses for planners and managers. |
Help Getting Started |
NatureServe's Climate Change Vulnerability Index![]() |
Spreadsheet | Species Vulnerability | United States | NatureServe |
Allows the user to apply information about a species’ natural history, distribution and landscape circumstances to predict whether it will likely suffer a range contraction, population reductions, or both during the coming years. |
Guidelines |
NOAA's Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding Impacts Viewer![]() |
Web based | Coastal communities, Tidal marshes, Socioeconomics | Coastal United States, California | NOAA |
Online map-generation software that overlays social and economic data onto potential sea level rise data for a view of potential impacts on communities and tidal marshes from inundation and tidal flooding. |
Explaining the NOAA Sea Level Rise Viewer |
Web based | fisheries | Coastal United States |
Provides access to information about the distribution (latitude and depth) of marine species involved in commercial and recreational fishing over time. |
How to use the OceanAdapt site | |
Our Coast Our Future (OCOF)![]() |
Web based | Sea level rise, Extreme events, Flooding | Coastal Central California, San Francisco Bay and Estuary | Point Blue Conservation Science |
A decision support tool developed with the user community to support understanding of infrastructure and ecosystem vulnerabilities from sea level rise and storm hazards. The model incorporates factors such as water levels, wave heights, flooding, and erosion. |
Tutorial videos |
SCENIC![]() |
Web based | climate, weather | United States | Southwest Climate Science Center |
The Southwest Climate and ENvironmental Information Collaborative (SCENIC) serves as an access point of climate information for the full extent or any subset of the Southwest US. Users can download various climate datasets and utilize our custom build decision support tools to analyze and visualize the data. Data request can be customized by spatial and temporal extend and analysis can be performed on custom subsets of the available data. Data includes observational station data, historical and current gridded data, and climate projection data. |
ScienceBase![]() |
Web based | Spatial data | United States | USGS |
ScienceBase is a scientific data and information management platform. Geared primarily toward spatial data management by federal government agencies and partnerships, the system offers cataloging, hosting, visualization, web services, and documentation tools as well as the ability to create a community to share information. |
Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flood Web Tools Comparison Matrix![]() |
Spreadsheet | Sea level rise | California | Climate Central |
This matrix was created to provide the planning and coastal management communities with an expandable chart to compare the functions and methods of publicly available sea level rise and coastal flood web tools. |
Sea Level Rise Projection Comparison Tool![]() |
Web based | Sea level rise | Coastal United States | Point Blue Conservation Science |
These dynamic graphs from the OCOF Program provide a comparative look at some of the most commonly cited sea level rise reports. |
Simple Population Model Tool for Four Marsh Bird Species![]() |
Spreadsheet | birds, Tidal marshes | San Francisco Bay and Estuary | Point Blue Conservation Science |
This spreadsheet tool was created to enable managers to assess known and potential risks, and to evaluate the efficacy of proposed management actions to counteract threats to long-term viability of four key San Francisco Bay marsh species. |
SLAMM - Sea Level Rise Affecting Marshes Model![]() |
Desktop GIS | Tidal marshes | Coastal United States | Warren Pinnacle Consulting, Inc. |
This mathematical model requires the use of MS Excel and ArcGIS. It uses digital elevation data and other information to simulate potential impacts of long-term sea level rise on wetlands and shorelines. |
SLAMM-View![]() |
Web based | Tidal marshes | Coastal United States, National Wildlife Refuges | Image Matters, LLC; USFWS |
A web browser-based application that provides tools for improved understanding of results from research projects that employ the Sea Level Affecting Marshes Model (SLAMM). SLAMM-View presently provides access to the digital geospatial data results from SLAMM simulations run for three regional Projects, and seven site-specific Projects (see list on their website) as well as 68 additional site-specific Projects from simulations run for National Wildlife Refuges (NWR). |
Demo website |
Surging Seas![]() |
Web based | Sea level rise | Coastal United States | Climate Central |
Provides local sea level rise and flood risk projections in interactive maps comparing RCP 2.6, 4.5, and 6.0 carbon emissions scenarios up to 2100. |
Surging Seas Risk Finder![]() |
Web based | Sea level rise | World | Climate Central |
A suite of interactive tools: maps of areas below different amounts of sea level rise and flooding, area timelines of risk, statistics about SLR impacts by city, county and state, and links to factsheets, data downloads, action plans, and more. |
The Climate Commons![]() |
Web based | Climate change | California | The California Landscape Conservation Cooperative |
The Climate Commons offers searchable catalogs containing documents, datasets, and web resources pertaining to climate change science applicable to conservation in California. The website also has articles interpreting climate science for the manager, a tool comparison section, and serves as the data repository for research projects funded by the CA LCC. |
The Climate Hub Tool Shed![]() |
Web based | Agriculture, Forest planning | United States | USDA Climate Hub |
The Climate Hub Tool Shed is a searchable database of 147 tools that can assist agricultural and forest land managers in adapting to climate variability and change. Tools include specialized calculators, maps, models, and datasets estimating a variety of outputs (e.g., crop production, greenhouse gas flux, and species distribution). |
The Impacts of Sea-Level Rise on the California Coast: Sea-Level Rise Maps![]() |
Web based | Sea level rise, Coastal communities | California | Pacific Institute; California Energy Commission |
Interactive maps show the threat of inundation due to flooding over three depths based on a 100-year flood scenario starting at MHHW, areas at risk from erosion in 2100 with a 1.4 m SLR, and areas where wetlands may migrate by 2100 if unimpeded. |
The Land Use Portfolio Model![]() |
Desktop GIS | Public Safety, Natural Hazards |
A tool for modeling, mapping, and communicating risk designed to help public agencies and communities understand and reduce their vulnerability to, and risk of, natural hazards. |
Threat Assessments on California Rangelands ![]() |
Web based | rangelands | California Central Valley | USGS |
Online maps allowing the user to view changes in ecosystem services in rangelands within the Central Valley across future scenarios. |
USGS CASCaDE Potential Inundation due to Rising Sea Levels in the San Francisco Bay Region![]() |
Web based | Sea level rise | San Francisco Bay and Estuary | USGS |
This visualization shows a color-coded representation of vulnerability to inundation by average 100-year high-water levels for different amounts of sea level rise. Does not take levees into account; areas behind levees would only be inundated if those structures were to fail. |
WWFAdapt![]() |
Web based | climate-smart conservation | World | World Wildlife Fund (WWF) |
This tool teaches key concepts and terminology needed for applying climate-smart conservation principles. |