Document Catalog

The Climate Commons Document Library contains catalog records for documents hosted on the Commons and elsewhere. Many of the documents are linked to data found in the Climate Commons Data Catalog and provide useful information about the creation of the data and/or research projects that used it.

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Title Author Datesort descending Subjects
How spatial scale shapes the generation and management of multiple ecosystem services Lindborg, Regina, Line J. Gordon, Rebecka Malinga, Jan Bengtsson, Garry Peterson, Riccardo Bommarco, Lisa Deutsch, Åsa Gren, Maj Rundlöf, and Henrik G. Smith 2017 ecosystem services, biodiversity management, ecological modeling
Relationships of rainy season precipitation and temperature to climate indices in California: long-term variability and extreme events Liu, Yi-Chin, Pingkuan Di, Shu-Hua Chen, and John DaMassa. 2017 climate variability, precipitation, extreme events
Contribution of temperature and precipitation anomalies to the California drought during 2012–2015 Luo, L. et al. 2017-04 drought
Exploring the Origins of Snow Droughts in the Northern Sierra Nevada, California Hatchett, B. J. & McEvoy, D. J. 2017-12 snowfall, snowpack, drought
California’s Coast and Ocean Summary Report Phillips, Jennifer, Leila Sievanen, Gary Griggs, Charlie Colgan, Juliette Finzi Hart, Eric Hartge, Tessa Hill, et al. 2018 ocean acidification, sea level rise, sea surface temperature, climate change adaptation
Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States: Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume II Reidmiller, David R., Christopher W. Avery, David R. Easterling, Kenneth E. Kunkel, Kristin L. M. Lewis, Thomas K. Maycock, and Brooke C. Stewart 2018 climate change assessment, climate change impacts, climate change mitigation
San Francisco Bay Area Region Report Ackerly, David, Andrew Jones, Mark Stacey, and Bruce Riordan 2018 climate change assessment, climate change impacts, human communities, climate change adaptation
Geodiversity: An integrative review as a contribution to the sustainable management of the whole of nature Brilha, J., M. Gray, D. I. Pereira, and P. Pereira. 2018 geodiversity, resource management
The fiscal trade-off: sprawl, the conversion of land, and wage decline in California’s metropolitan regions Chapple, Karen 2018 urban growth, land use, land use planning
Summary Report from Tribal and Indigenous Communities within California Goode, Ron, Shasta Gaughan, Marissa Fierro, Don Hankins, Keir Johnson-Reyes, Beth Rose Middleton, Teri Red Owl, and Randy Yonemura 2018 indigenous peoples, traditional ecological knowledge, climate change impacts
Los Angeles Region Report Hall, Alex, Neil Berg, and Katharine Reich 2018 climate change assessment, climate change adaptation, climate change impacts
Indicators of Climate Change in California - 2018 Report Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment and California Environmental Protection Agency 2018 environmental indicators, climate change assessment, climate change impacts
Shifts in the thermal niche of almond under climate change Parker, Lauren E., and John T. Abatzoglou 2018 agriculture, climate change impacts, bioclimatic modeling
Resistance and resilience: ten years of monitoring shrub and prairie communities in Orange County, CA, USA Kimball, Sarah, Zachary Principe, Douglas Deutschman, Spring Strahm, Travis E. Huxman, Megan Lulow, and Kathleen Balazs 2018 chaparral, coastal scrub, resilience, precipitation
Central Coast Region Report Langridge, Ruth 2018 climate change adaptation, climate change impacts, climate change assessment
Dramatic declines in snowpack in the western US Mote, Philip W., Sihan Li, Dennis P. Lettenmaier, Mu Xiao, and Ruth Engel 2018 snowpack, climate change impacts, water resources
