A spline model of climate for the Western United States |
Rehfeldt, Gerald E. |
2006 |
climate modeling, bioclimatic modeling |
A standard lexicon for biodiversity conservation: unified classifications of threats and actions |
Salafsky, Nick, Daniel Salzer, Alison J. Stattersfield, Craig Hilton-Taylor, Rachel Neugarten, Stuart H. M. Butchart, Ben Collen, Neil Cox, Lawrence L. Master, Sheila O'Connor, and David Wilkie |
2008 |
conservation planning, informatics, data sharing |
A statistical explanation of MaxEnt for ecologists |
Elith, Jane, Phillips, Steven J., Hastie, Trevor, Dudik, Miroslav, Chee, Yung En, and Yates, Colin J. |
2011 |
statistical methods, species distribution modeling, ecological modeling |
A statistical-topographic model for mapping climatological precipitation over mountainous terrain |
Daly, C., Neilson, R. P., and Philips, D. L. |
1994 |
gridded climate data, historical climate, precipitation, PRISM |
A survival guide to Landsat preprocessing |
Young, Nicholas E., Ryan S. Anderson, Stephen M. Chignell, Anthony G. Vorster, Rick Lawrence, and Paul H. Evangelista |
2017 |
remote sensing, monitoring, ecological change |
A systematic approach for prioritizing multiple management actions for invasive species |
Januchowski-Hartley, S.R., Visconti, P, and Pressey, R. L. |
2011 |
invasive species, conservation prioritization |
A systematic review of ecological attributes that confer resilience to climate change in environmental restoration |
Timpane-Padgham, Britta L., Tim Beechie, and Terrie Klinger |
2017 |
resilience, climate change impacts on biodiversity, ecosystem management |
A tale of two California droughts: Lessons amidst record warmth and dryness in a region of complex physical and human geography |
Swain, Daniel L. |
2015 |
drought, extreme events, climate change adaptation |
A taxonomy and treatment of uncertainty for ecology and conservation biology |
Regan, Helen M., Mark Colyvan, and Mark A. Burgman |
2002 |
model uncertainty, epistemology, biodiversity management |
A Tribal White Paper on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation |
Intertribal Climate Change Working Group |
2009 |
indigenous peoples, climate change impacts, climate change adaptation |
A unifying model for the analysis of phenotypic, genetic, and geographic data |
Guillot, Gilles, Renaud, Sabrina, Ledevin, Ronan, Michaux, Johan, and Claude, Julien |
2012 |
biogeography, statistical methods, population genetics |
A Vast Machine: Computer Models, Climate Data, and the Politics of Global Warming |
Edwards, Paul N. |
2010 |
climate modeling, informatics |
A working guide to boosted regression trees |
Elith, J., Leathwick, J. R., and Hastie, T. |
2008 |
statistical methods, species distribution modeling, ecological modeling |
Aboveground live carbon stock changes of California wildland ecosystems, 2001–2010 |
Gonzalez, Patrick, John J. Battles, Brandon M. Collins, Timothy Robards, and David S. Saah |
2015 |
forest management, carbon sequestration, carbon storage, wildfire |
Achieving conservation when opportunity costs are high: optimizing reserve design in Alberta's oil sands region |
Schneider, Richard A., Hauer, Grant, Farr Dan, Adamowicz, W. L., and Boutin, Stan |
2011 |
conservation planning, conservation prioritization, economic optimization, case studies |
Actual evapotranspiration and deficit: biologically meaningful correlates of vegetation distribution across spatial scales |
Stephenson, Nathan L. |
1998 |
vegetation distribution, water balance |