Spatial and temporal patterns of cloud cover and fog inundation in coastal California: Ecological implications |
Rastogi, Bharat, A. Park Williams, Douglas T. Fischer, Sam Iacobellis, Kathryn McEachern, Leila Carvalho, Charles Jones, Sara A. Baguskas, and Christopher J. Still. |
2016 |
fog, bioclimatic modeling |
Southwest Climate Change Assessment Report: Summary for Decision Makers |
Overpeck, Jonathan, Garfin, G., Jardine, A., Busch, D. E., Cayan, D., Dettinger, M., Fleishman, E., Gershunov, A., Macdonald, G., Redmond, K. T., Travis, W. R., Udall, B. |
2013 |
climate change, climate change projections, historical climate |
Soil carbon pools in California’s annual grassland ecosystems |
Silver, Whendee L., Ryals, Rebecca, and Eviner, Valerie |
2010 |
rangelands, soil carbon, carbon sequestration |
Smart growth planning for climate protection: evaluating California's Senate Bill 375 |
Barbour, Elisa and Deakin, Elizabeth A. |
2012 |
urban growth, greenhouse gas mitigation, regional planning |
Skill and independence weighting for multi-model assessments |
Sanderson, Benjamin M., Michael Wehner, and Reto Knutti |
2017 |
climate modeling, climate change projections, model uncertainty |
Six common mistakes in conservation priority setting |
Game, Edward T., Kareiva, Peter, and Possingham, Hugh P. |
2013 |
biodiversity management, biological conservation, conservation prioritization |
Simulation of Climate Change in San Francisco Bay Basins, California: Case Studies in the Russian River Valley and Santa Cruz Mountains |
Flint, Lorraine.E., and Flint, Alan.L. |
2012 |
hydrology, redwoods, climate change impacts, case studies |
Simulating vegetation shifts and carbon cycling in Yosemite National Park |
Conklin, David R. |
2009 |
vegetation modeling, bioclimatic modeling, climate change impacts |
Simulating the effects of using different types of species distribution data in reserve selection |
Carvalho, Silvia B., Brito, José C., Pressey, Robert L., Crespo, Eduardo, and Possingham, Hugh P. |
2010 |
conservation planning, conservation prioritization, species distribution modeling |
Simulating past and future dynamics of natural ecosystems in the United States |
Bachelet, Dominique, Neilson, Ronald P., Hickler, Thomas, Drapek, Raymond J.,Lenihan, James M., Sykes, Martin T., Smith, Benjamin, Sitch, Stephen, and Thonicke, Kirsten |
2003 |
vegetation modeling, bioclimatic modeling, climate change impacts |
Significant modulation of variability and projected change in California winter precipitation by extratropical cyclone activity |
Chang, Edmund K. M., Cheng Zheng, Patrick Lanigan, Albert M. W. Yau, and J. David Neelin |
2015 |
precipitation, climate modeling, drought |
Sierra Nevada snowpack |
California-Nevada Climate Applications Program |
2016 |
snowpack, climate change impacts, water resources |
Sierra Nevada Region Report |
Dettinger, Michael, Holly Alpert, John Battles, Jonathan Kusel, Hugh Safford, Dorian Fougeres, Clarke Knight, Lauren Miller, and Sarah Sawyer |
2018 |
climate change impacts, climate change adaptation, climate change assessment |
Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Vulnerability Assessment Technical Synthesis: Oak Woodlands |
Hauptfeld, R.S., Kershner, J. M., and Feifel, K. M. |
2014 |
oak woodlands, vulnerability assessment, biodiversity |
Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Vulnerability Assessment Technical Synthesis: Chaparral |
Hauptfeld, R.S., Kershner, J. M., and Feifel, K. M. |
2014 |
chaparral, vulnerability assessment, biodiversity |
Sierra Nevada Birds and Climate Change |
Bumgardner, S. |
2014 |
birds, biodiversity |