Document Catalog

The Climate Commons Document Library contains catalog records for documents hosted on the Commons and elsewhere. Many of the documents are linked to data found in the Climate Commons Data Catalog and provide useful information about the creation of the data and/or research projects that used it.

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Title Author Datesort ascending Subjects
Twentieth-century shifts in forest structure in California: Denser forests, smaller trees, and increased dominance of oaks McIntyre, Patrick J., Thorne, James H., Dolanc, Christopher R., Flint, Alan L., Flint, Lorraine E., Kelly, Maggi, and Ackerly, David D. 2015 historical climate, paleoclimates, vegetation distribution
Causes of the 2011 to 2014 California drought Seager, Richard, Martin Hoerling, Siegfried Schubert, Hailan Wang, Bradfield Lyon, Arun Kumar, Jennifer Nakamura, and Naomi Henderson 2015 drought, climate variability, El Niño - Southern Oscillation, Pacific Decadal Oscillation
Anthropogenic warming has increased drought risk in California Diffenbaugh, N. S., D. L. Swain, and D. Touma 2015 drought
America's water risk: Current demand and climate variability Devineni, Naresh, Lall, Upmanu, Etienne, Elius, Shi, Daniel, and Xi, Chen 2015 drought, water balance, climate change impacts
El Niño in California and Nevada California-Nevada Climate Applications Program 2015 El Niño - Southern Oscillation, flooding, precipitation
Artificial amplification of warming trends across the mountains of the western United States Oyler, Jared W., Dobrowski, Solomon Z., Ballantyne, Ashley P., Klene, Anna E., and Running, Steven W. 2015 model uncertainty, climate change assessment, temperature trends
Restoring Walker Meadows: Assessment and Prioritization Luke Hunt, Julie Fair, Jacob Dyste, and Max Odland 2015 meadows, restoration, climate-smart conservation, water resources
Identification of geophysically diverse locations that may facilitate species’ persistence and adaptation to climate change in the southwestern United States Albano, Christine M. 2015 geodiversity, landscape conservation planning, climate change adaptation
Anticipated effects of climate change on coastal upwelling ecosystems Bakun, A., B. A. Black, S. J. Bograd, M. García-Reyes, A. J. Miller, R. R. Rykaczewski, and W. J. Sydeman 2015 marine ecosystems, upwelling, climate change impacts
State of the Climate in 2014 Blunden, Jessica, and Derek S. Arndt 2015 climate change, climate monitoring
Multi-century evaluation of Sierra Nevada snowpack Belmecheri, Soumaya, Flurin Babst, Eugene R. Wahl, David W. Stahle, and Valerie Trouet 2015 snow water equivalent, snowpack, historical climate
Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for the North-central California Coast and Ocean Hutto, Sara V., Higgason, Kelley D., Kershner, Jessie M., Reynier, Whitney A., Gregg, Darrell S. 2015 marine ecosystems, ecosystem services, biodiversity, climate change vulnerability, vulnerability assessment
Contribution of anthropogenic warming to California drought during 2012–2014 Williams, A. Park, Seager, Richard, Abatzoglou, John T., Cook, Benjamin I., Smerdon, Jason E., and Cook, Edward R. 2015 drought, climate change impacts, temperature
Twenty-first-century challenges in regional climate modeling Rummukainen, Markku, Burkhardt Rockel, Lars Bärring, Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen, and Marcus Reckermann 2015 regional climate models, climate modeling, downscaling
Conservation status of North American birds in the face of future climate change Langham, Gary M., Schuetz, Justin G., Distler, Trisha, Soykan, Candan U. and Wilsey, Chad 2015 birds, species distributions, biodiversity
Report Providing Comparison of Adaptation Plans Submitted to the White House in 2014 Conners, Hannah M., Kathleen D. White, and Jeffrey R. Arnold 2015 climate change adaptation, federal agencies
