Document Catalog

The Climate Commons Document Library contains catalog records for documents hosted on the Commons and elsewhere. Many of the documents are linked to data found in the Climate Commons Data Catalog and provide useful information about the creation of the data and/or research projects that used it.

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List Documents in Library

Title Author Datesort descending Subjects
Weathering uncertainty: traditional knowledge for climate change assessment and adaptation Nakashima, Douglas J., Galloway McLean, Kirsty, Thulstrup, Hans D., Castillo, Ameyali Ramos, and Rubis, Jennifer 2012 climate change adaptation, traditional ecological knowledge, resilience
Coastal Flooding - Potential Projections: 2000-2100 Bromirski, Peter D., Cayan, Daniel R., Graham, Nicholas, Tyree, Mary and Flick, Reinhard 2012 sea level rise, coastal flooding, climate change projections
Fire and Climate Change in California: Changes in the Distribution and Frequency of Fire in Climates of the Future and Recent Past (1911–2099) Krawchuk, Meg and Moritz, Max 2012 fire frequency, wildfire, climate change adaptation
Economic costs of achieving current conservation goals in the future as climate changes Shaw, M. Rebecca, Klausmeyer, Kirk, Cameron, D. Richard, Mackenzie, Jason, and Roehrdanz, Patrick 2012 biodiversity, conservation planning, adaptive management
California coastal management with a changing climate Hanak, Ellen and Moreno, Georgina 2012 climate change adaptation, coastal zone management
Understanding the Science of Climate Change: Talking Points – Impacts to the Pacific Coast Schramm, A. and R. Loehman 2012 coastal adaptation planning, climate change assessment
Widespread shifts in the demographic structure of subalpine forests in the Sierra Nevada, California, 1934 to 2007 Dolanc, Christopher R., Thorne, James H., and Safford, Hugh D. 2012 climate change impacts, vegetation distribution
Sea-Level Rise for the Coasts of California, Oregon, and Washington: Past, Present, and Future National Research Council 2012 sea level rise, climate change impacts
Incorporating climate change into systematic conservation planning Groves, Craig R., Game, Edward T., Anderson, Mark G., Cross, Molly, Enquist, Carolyn, Ferdaña, Zach, Girvetz, Evan, Gondor, Anne, Hall, Kimberly R., Higgins, Jonathan, Marshall, Rob, Popper, Ken, Schill, Steve, and Shafer, Sarah L. 2012 conservation planning, climate-smart conservation, biodiversity management, biodiversity
Anthropogenic refugia ameliorate the severe climate-related decline of a montane mammal along its trailing edge Morelli, Toni Lyn, Smith, Adam B.,Kastely, Christina R.,Mastroserio, Ilaria, Moritz, Craig and Beissinger, Steven R. 2012 climate change, ground squirrels, species distributions, refugia
Uncertainty in coarse conservation assessments hinders the efficient achievement of conservation goals Hermoso, Virgilio and Kennard, Mark J. 2012 species distribution modeling, conservation planning, conservation prioritization
Assessing Vulnerability of Tidal Marsh Birds to Climate Change through the Analysis of Population Dynamics and Viability Nur, Nadav, Salas, Leonardo, Veloz, Samuel, Wood, Julian,Liu, Leonard, and Ballard, Grant 2012 tidal marshes, birds, population dynamics, vulnerability assessment
Interactions between climate and habitat loss effects on biodiversity: a systematic review and meta-analysis Mantyka-pringle, C. S., T. G. Martin, and J. R. Rhodes 2012 biodiversity
Downscaling future climate scenarios to fine scales for hydrologic and ecological modeling and analysis Flint, Lorraine E. and Flint, Alan L. 2012 downscaling, climate change, bioclimatic modeling
Using niche models with climate projections to inform conservation management decisions Schwartz, Mark W. 2012 species distribution modeling, biodiversity management, climate change adaptation
Climate change vulnerability assessments for terrestrial and freshwater vertebrates in the Mediterranean Coast Network of national parks Bova, Brett, Downey, Misa, Marte, Natalie, Penn, Justin, Ruppert, Kirstie, Vu, Karen, and Yamada, Shotaro 2012 climate change vulnerability, national parks, biodiversity
