Species Distribution Modeling and Conservation Planning Workshop

In September of 2013 the CA LCC partnered with UC Davis Information Center for the Environment and Point Blue Conservation Science to offer a workshop on systematic conservation planning (see the CA LCC project description). The aim of the workshop was to present the state of the science for using spatial decision support tools to inform the conservation of plants and animals in the context of climate adaptation planning.

Presented here are the materials from the workshop, including reading lists, slide presentations, and lab exercises. These materials are free to use with attribution to the authors.
Preliminary Material

Outline of Workshop

Presentation Slides

Scenario Planning

Workshop Lab Exercises

Reading Lists and Online Resources

Complete List of Resources Mentioned in Workshop

Contributors to this article
Last Updated: 


Typesort descending Title Creator Date
Document Generalized linear and generalized additive models in studies of species distributions: setting the scene Guisan, Antoine, Edwards, Thomas C. Jr., and Hastie, Trevor 2002
Document Planning for persistence in marine reserves: a question of catastrophic importance Game, Edward T., Watts, Matthew E., Wooldrdge, Scott, and Possingham, Hugh P. 2008
Document Raising the bar for systematic conservation planning Langford, William T., Gordon, Ascelin, Bastin, Lucy, Bekassy, Sarah A., White, Matt D., and Newell, Graeme 2011
Document When do conservation planning methods deliver? Quantifying the consequences of uncertainty Langford, William T., Gordon, Ascelin, and Bastin, Lucy 2009
Document A systematic approach for prioritizing multiple management actions for invasive species Januchowski-Hartley, S.R., Visconti, P, and Pressey, R. L. 2011
Document Systematic conservation planning Margules, C.R. and Pressey, R. L. 2000
Document Biodiversity conservation planning tools: present status and challenges for the future Sarkar, Sahotra, Pressey, Robert L., Faith, Daniel P., Margules, Christopher R., Fuller, Trevon, Stoms, David M., Moffett, Alexander, Wilson, Kerrie A., Williams, Paul H., and Andelman, Sandy 2006
Document Setting conservation priorities Wilson, Kerrie A., Carwardine, Josie and Possingham, Hugh P. 2009
Document Biodiversity management in the face of climate change: A review of 22 years of recommendations Heller, Nicole E. and Zavaleta, Erika S. 2009
Document Uncertainty analysis for regional-scale reserve selection Moilanen, Atte, Wintle, Brendan A., Elith, Jane, and Burgman, Mark 2006
Document Collinearity: a review of methods to deal with it and a simulation study evaluating their performance Dorman, Carsten F., Elith, Jane, Bacher, Sven, Buchmann, Carsten, Carl, Gudrun, Carré, Gabriel, García Marquéz, Jaime R., Gruber, Bernd, Lafourcade, Bruno, Leitão, Pedro J , Münkemüller, Tamara, McClean, Colin, Osborne, Patrick E., and 5 others 2013
Document Application of species distribution models and conservation planning software to the design of a reserve network for the riverine fishes of northeastern Mesoamerica Esselman, Peter C. and Allan, J.D. 2011
Document A statistical explanation of MaxEnt for ecologists Elith, Jane, Phillips, Steven J., Hastie, Trevor, Dudik, Miroslav, Chee, Yung En, and Yates, Colin J. 2011
Document Conservation planning with uncertain climate change projections Kujala, Heini, Moilanen, Atte, Araújo, Miguel B., and Cabeza, Mar 2013
Document Spatial marine zoning for fisheries and conservation Klein, Carissa Joy, Steinback, Charles, Watts, Matthew, Scholz, Astrid J. and Possingham, Hugh P. 2009
Document Selecting thresholds of occurrence in the prediction of species distributions Liu, Canran, Berry, Pam M., Dawson, Terence P., and Pearson, Richard G. 2005
Document An interoperable decision support tool for conservation planning Segan, Daniel B., Game, Edward T., Watts, Matthew E., Stewart, Romola R., and Possingham, Hugh P. 2011
Document A brief tutorial on Maxent Phillips, Steven 2010
Document Marxan with Zones: software for optimal conservation based land- and sea-use zoning Watts, Matthew E., Ball, Ian R., Stewart, Romola S., Klein, Carissa J., Wilson, Kerrie, Steinback, Charles, Louival, Reinaldo, Kircher, LIndsay, and Possingham, Hugh P. 2009
Document Replacement cost: A practical measure of site value for cost-effective reserve planning Cabeza, Mar and Moilanen, Atte 2006
