Resilient Sites for Terrestrial Conservation in the Northwest |
Buttrick, S., B. Unnasch, M. Schindel, K. Popper, S. Scott, A. Jones, B. McRae, M. Finnerty. |
March 15, 2014 (1.1) |
climate change assessment, resilience, refugia, landscape conservation planning |
Challenges in assessing the vulnerability of species to climate change to inform conservation actions |
Butt, N., H. P. Possingham, C. De Los Rios, R. Maggini, R. A. Fuller, S. L. Maxwell, and J. E. M. Watson |
2016 |
climate change impacts on biodiversity, conservation planning, extreme events |
Using species traits to guide conservation actions under climate change |
Butt, N. & Gallagher, R. |
2018-09 |
vulnerability assessment, plants |
Near-future forest vulnerability to drought and fire varies across the western United States |
Buotte, P. C. et al. |
2018-11 |
drought, wildfire, forests, climate change vulnerability |
Sierra Nevada Birds and Climate Change |
Bumgardner, S. |
2014 |
birds, biodiversity |
Scenarios to Evaluate Long‐Term Wildfire Risk in California: New Methods for Considering Links Between Changing Demography, Land Use, and Climate |
Bryant, Benjamin P., and Westerling, Anthony L. |
2012 |
wildfire, climate change adaptation |
Including indigenous peoples in climate change mitigation: addressing issues of scale, knowledge and power |
Brugnach, M., Craps M. and Dewulf, A. |
2014 |
indigenous peoples, climate change mitigation, decision making |
A climate-driven tree line position model in the White Mountains of California over the past six millennia |
Bruening, Jamis M., Andrew G. Bunn, and Matthew W. Salzer |
2018 |
historical climate, historical biogeography, temperature trends |
Evaluating conceptual models of landscape change |
Brudvig, Lars A., Shawn J. Leroux, Cécile H. Albert, Emilio M. Bruna, Kendi F. Davies, Robert M. Ewers, Douglas J. Levey, Renata Pardini, and Julian Resasco |
2016 |
conservation planning, biogeography, ecological change |
Carbon Supply from Changes in Management of Forest and Range Lands in Shasta County, California |
Brown, Sandra, Petrova, Silvia, Dushku, Aaron, Winsten, Jonathan, Pearson, Timothy, Kadyzewski, John |
2007 |
carbon storage, forest management |
Baseline Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals for Forest, Range, and Agricultural Lands in California |
Brown, Sandra, Pearson, Timothy, Dushku, Aaron, Kadyzewski, John, and Qi, Ye |
2004 |
carbon storage, forest management |
Future vulnerability mapping based on response to extreme climate events: Dieback thresholds in an endemic California oak |
Brown, Brittni J., Blair C. McLaughlin, Rachel V. Blakey, and Naia Morueta‐Holme |
2018 |
Quercus douglasii, extreme events, bioclimatic modeling, groundwater |
Coastal Flooding - Potential Projections: 2000-2100 |
Bromirski, Peter D., Cayan, Daniel R., Graham, Nicholas, Tyree, Mary and Flick, Reinhard |
2012 |
sea level rise, coastal flooding, climate change projections |
Climate-change adaptation on rangelands: linking regional exposure with diverse adaptive capacity |
Briske, David D, Linda A Joyce, H Wayne Polley, Joel R Brown, Klaus Wolter, Jack A Morgan, Bruce A McCarl, and Derek W Bailey |
2015 |
rangelands, climate change impacts, precipitation |
Geodiversity: An integrative review as a contribution to the sustainable management of the whole of nature |
Brilha, J., M. Gray, D. I. Pereira, and P. Pereira. |
2018 |
geodiversity, resource management |
Local temperature response to land cover and management change driven by non-radiative processes |
Bright, Ryan M., Edouard Davin, Thomas O’Halloran, Julia Pongratz, Kaiguang Zhao, and Alessandro Cescatt |
2017 |
climate change mitigation, land cover, land use planning, temperature |
Guarding Against Exploitation: Protecting Indigenous Knowledge in the Age of Climate Change |
Brewer, Joseph II and Kronk Warner, Elizabeth Ann |
2015 |
traditional ecological knowledge, epistemology, climate change adaptation |
Random forests |
Breiman, Leo |
2001 |
machine learning |
Paradigm or Paradox: Can we Attribute Species Changes to Global Climate Change in Light of Decreasing Water Temperatures in Central California? |
Breaker, Laurence, Caillet, Gregor, Launer, Andrea, and Wadsworth, Tom |
2012 |
sea surface temperature, climate change impacts, species distributions |
Selecting from correlated climate variables: a major source of uncertainty for predicting species distributions under climate change |
Braunisch, Veronika, Coppes, Joy, Arlettaz, Raphael, Suchant, Rudi, Schmid, Hans, and Bollmann, Kurt |
2013 |
species distribution modeling, climate change projections |