Ecosystem stewardship: sustainability strategies for a rapidly changing planet. |
Chapin, F. S., S. R. Carpenter, G. P. Kofinas, C. Folke, N. Abel, W. C. Clark, P. Olsson, D. M. S. Smith, B. Walker, O. R. Young, F. Berkes, R. Biggs, J. M. Grove, R. L. Naylor, E. Pinkerton, W. Steffen, and F. J. Swanson |
2010 |
ecosystem management, adaptation planning |
Soil carbon pools in California’s annual grassland ecosystems |
Silver, Whendee L., Ryals, Rebecca, and Eviner, Valerie |
2010 |
rangelands, soil carbon, carbon sequestration |
A brief tutorial on Maxent |
Phillips, Steven |
2010 |
species distribution modeling, ecological modeling, biodiversity management |
Compounded effects of climate change and habitat alteration shift patterns of butterfly diversity |
Forister, Matthew L., McCall, Andrew C., Sanders, Nathan J., Fordyce, James A., Thorne, James H., O'Brien, Joshua, Waetjen, David P., and Shapiro, Arthur M. |
2010 |
climate change, species distributions, butterflies |
Integrating traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) into natural resource management |
Henn, Moran, Ostergren, David, and Nielsen, Erik |
2010 |
traditional ecological knowledge, national parks, resource management |
The InterTribal Sinkyone Wilderness: ten tribes reclaiming, stewarding, and restoring ancestral lands |
Rosales, Hawk |
2010 |
traditional ecological knowledge, indigenous peoples, resource management |
Hydrologic response and watershed sensitivity to climate warming in California's Sierra Nevada |
Null, Sarah E., Viers, Joshua H., and Mount, Jeffrey F. |
2010 |
hydrology, Sierra Nevada, water management |
The carbon budget of California |
Potter, Christopher |
2010 |
greenhouse gas emissions, carbon storage |
Simulating the effects of using different types of species distribution data in reserve selection |
Carvalho, Silvia B., Brito, José C., Pressey, Robert L., Crespo, Eduardo, and Possingham, Hugh P. |
2010 |
conservation planning, conservation prioritization, species distribution modeling |
The art of modelling range-shifting species |
Elith, Jane, Kearney, Michael, Phillips, Steven |
2010 |
species distribution modeling, ecological modeling, biodiversity, invasive species |
Tribal Climate Change Adaptation Options: A Review of The Scientific Literature |
Rose, Keith A. |
2010 |
indigenous peoples, climate change impacts, climate change adaptation |
Climate Change: Confronting the Challenge |
California Department of Fish and Game |
2010 |
resource management, wildlife |
Forest carbon densities and uncertainties from Lidar, QuickBird, and field measurements in California |
Gonzalez, Patrick, Asner, Gregory P., Battles, John J., Lefsky, Michael A., Waring, Kristen M., and Palace, Michael |
2010 |
carbon storage, forest management, remote sensing |
Estimated impacts of climate warming on California’s high-elevation hydropower |
Madani, Kaveh and Lund, Jay |
2010 |
water resources, hydroelectric power, climate change |
Studies of Climate Change in the Yukon River Basin—Connecting Community and Science Through a Unique Partnership |
Schuster, Paul F. and Maracle, Karonhiakta'tie Bryan |
2010 |
water management, water resources, climate change impacts |
The utility of daily large-scale climate data in the assessment of climate change impacts on daily streamflow in California |
Maurer, E. P., Hidalgo, H. G., Das, T., Dettinger, M.D., and Cayan, D. R. |
2010 |
hydrologic modeling, downscaling, climate modeling |
Scenario-neutral approach to climate change impact studies: application to flood risk |
Prudhomme, C., Wilby, R. L., Crooks, S., Kay, A. L. and Reynard, N. S. |
2010 |
vulnerability assessment, scenario planning, climate change impacts, hydrologic modeling |
More than CO2: a broader paradigm for managing climate change and variability to avoid ecosystem collapse |
McAlpine, C.A., Ryan, J. G., Seabrook, L., Thomas, S., Dargusch, P.J., Syktus, J.I., Pielke Sr., R. A., Etter, A.F., Fearnside, P.M., and Laurance, W.F. |
2010 |
climate change mitigation, forest management, land cover, land use planning |
Forest carbon storage: ecology, management, and policy |
Fahey, Timothy J., Woodbury, Peter B., Battles, John J., Goodale, Christine L., Hamburg, Steven P., Ollinger, Scott V., Woodall, Christopher W. |
2010 |
carbon storage, forest management |
Systematic conservation planning: an updated protocol |
Sarkar, Sahotra, and Illoldi-Rangel, Patricia |
2010 |
conservation planning, biodiversity management |