Considering people in systematic conservation planning: insights from land system science |
Iwamura, Takuya, Yann le Polain de Waroux, and Michael B. Mascia |
2018 |
conservation planning, social science, land use planning |
Considering Multiple Futures: Scenario Planning To Address Uncertainty in Natural Resource Conservation |
Erika L. Rowland, Molly S. Cross, Holly Hartmann |
July, 2014 |
scenario planning |
Conserving the stage: climate change and the geophysical underpinnings of species diversity |
Anderson, Mark G. and Ferree, Charles E. |
2010 |
climate-smart conservation, biodiversity management, species distributions, species diversity |
Conserving Biodiversity: Practical Guidance about Climate Change Adaptation Approaches in Support of Land-use Planning |
Lawler, J.J., Beier, P., Groves, G., Knight, G., Boyce Jr, D.A., Bulluck, J., Johnston, K.M., Klein, M.L., Muller, K., Pierce, D.J., Singleton, W.R., Strittholt, J.R., Theobald, D.M., Tombulak, S.C., and Trainor, A. |
2015 |
climate change adaptation, adaptation planning |
Conservation status of North American birds in the face of future climate change |
Langham, Gary M., Schuetz, Justin G., Distler, Trisha, Soykan, Candan U. and Wilsey, Chad |
2015 |
birds, species distributions, biodiversity |
Conservation planning with uncertain climate change projections |
Kujala, Heini, Moilanen, Atte, Araújo, Miguel B., and Cabeza, Mar |
2013 |
conservation prioritization, species distribution modeling, biodiversity |
Conservation planning in agricultural landscapes: hotspots of conflict between agriculture and nature |
Shackelford, Gorm E., Steward, Peter R., German, Richard N., Sait, Steven M. and Benton, Tim G. |
2014 |
conservation planning, agriculture |
Conservation objectives for wintering and breeding waterbirds in California’s Central Valley |
Shuford, W. David, and Kristen E. Dybala |
2017 |
shorebirds, waterfowl, conservation prioritization, wetlands |
Conservation and management of ecological systems in a changing California |
Barbour, Elisa and Kueppers, Lara M. |
2011 |
biological conservation, climate change, biotic communities, landscape conservation planning |
Consequences of twenty-first-century policy for multi-millennial climate and sea-level change |
Clark, Peter U., Jeremy D. Shakun, Shaun A. Marcott, Alan C. Mix, Michael Eby, Scott Kulp, Anders Levermann, et al |
2016 |
climate change mitigation, climate change impacts, paleoclimates, sea level rise |
Consequences of Climate Change for Native Plants and Conservation |
Hannah, Lee, Shaw, M. Rebecca, Roehrdanz, Patrick, Ikegami, Makihiko, Soong, Oliver, and Thorne, James |
2012 |
bioclimatic modeling, species distribution modeling, climate change projections |
Conceptualizing the role of sediment in sustaining ecosystem services: Sediment-ecosystem regional assessment (SEcoRA) |
Apitz, Sabine E. |
2012 |
sediment transport, ecosystem services |
Compounded effects of climate change and habitat alteration shift patterns of butterfly diversity |
Forister, Matthew L., McCall, Andrew C., Sanders, Nathan J., Fordyce, James A., Thorne, James H., O'Brien, Joshua, Waetjen, David P., and Shapiro, Arthur M. |
2010 |
climate change, species distributions, butterflies |
Complex interactions between biota, landscapes and native peoples |
Fragoso, Jose M. V. and Reo, Nicholas J. |
2013 |
traditional ecological knowledge, indigenous peoples, resource management |
Comparing species distributions modelled from occurrence data and from expert-based range maps. Implication for predicting range shifts with climate change |
Fourcade, Yoan |
2016 |
species distribution modeling, ecological modeling, climate change impacts on biodiversity |
Communication of the role of natural variability in future North American climate |
Deser, Clara, Reto Knutti, Susan Solomon, and Adam S. Phillips |
2012 |
communication about climate change, climate variability, model uncertainty |
Comment on “Changes in climatic water balance drive downhill shifts in plant species’ optimum elevations” |
Hijmans, Robert J. |
2011 |
vegetation distribution, climatic water deficit, climate change |
Comment on “Changes in climatic water balance drive downhill shifts in plant species’ optimum elevations” |
Stephenson, Nathan L. and Das, Adrian J. |
2011 |
vegetation distribution, climatic water deficit, climate change |
Comment on "Changes in climatic water balance drive downhill shifts in plant species’ optimum elevations” |
Wolf, Adam, and Anderegg, William R. L. |
2011 |
climate change, vegetation distribution, climatic water deficit |
Combining global climate and regional landscape models to improve prediction of invasion risk |
Kelly, Ruth, Katie Leach, Alison Cameron, Christine A. Maggs, and Neil Reid |
2014 |
invasive species, species distributions, species distribution modeling, climate change impacts on biodiversity |