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Title Author Datesort descending Subjects
Choice of baseline climate data impacts projected species’ responses to climate change Baker, D J, A J Hartley, S. H M Butchart, and S G Willis. 2016 model uncertainty, species distribution modeling, climate change impacts on biodiversity
Creating climate projections to support the 4th California Climate Assessment Pierce, David W., Daniel R. Cayan, and Laurel Dehann 2016 climate change projections, downscaling, climate modeling
Supporting adaptation decisions through scenario planning: Enabling the effective use of multiple methods Star, Jonathan, Erika L. Rowland, Mary E. Black, Carolyn A. F. Enquist, Gregg Garfin, Catherine Hawkins Hoffman, Holly Hartmann, Katharine L. Jacobs, Richard H. Moss, and Anne M. Waple 2016 scenario planning, decision making under uncertainty, climate change adaptation
Out of the weeds? Reduced plant invasion risk with climate change in the continental United States Allen, Jenica M., and Bethany A. Bradley 2016 invasive species, climate change impacts on biodiversity, species distribution modeling
Phenological sensitivity to climate across taxa and trophic levels Thackeray, Stephen J., Peter A. Henrys, Deborah Hemming, James R. Bell, Marc S. Botham, Sarah Burthe, Pierre Helaouet, and 24 others 2016 phenology, climate change impacts on biodiversity
Effects of climate change on tidal marshes along a latitudinal gradient in California Karen M. Thorne, Glen M. MacDonald, Rich F. Ambrose, Kevin J. Buffington, Chase M. Freeman, Christopher N. Janousek, Lauren N. Brown, James R. Holmquist, Glenn R. Guntenspergen, Katherine W. Powelson, Patrick L. Barnard, and John Y. Takekawa 2016 tidal marshes, climate change impacts, sea level rise
Historical and future relations between large storms and droughts in California Dettinger, Michael 2016 drought, storms, precipitation, climate change projections
Climate change velocity underestimates climate change exposure in mountainous regions Dobrowski, Solomon Z., and Sean A. Parks 2016 climate change velocity, climate change impacts on biodiversity, climate change vulnerability
Future frequencies of extreme weather events in the National Wildlife Refuges of the conterminous U.S. Martinuzzi, Sebastián, Andrew J. Allstadt, Brooke L. Bateman, Patricia J. Heglund, Anna M. Pidgeon, Wayne E. Thogmartin, Stephen J. Vavrus, and Volker C. Radeloff 2016 extreme events, climate change impacts, protected area networks
Prolonged California aridity linked to climate warming and Pacific sea surface temperature MacDonald, Glen M., Katrina A. Moser, Amy M. Bloom, Aaron P. Potito, David F. Porinchu, James R. Holmquist, Julia Hughes, and Konstantine V. Kremenetski 2016 sea surface temperature, drought, paleoclimates
California forests show early indications of both range shifts and local persistence under climate change Serra-Diaz, Josep M., Janet Franklin, Whalen W. Dillon, Alexandra D. Syphard, Frank W. Davis, and Ross K. Meentemeyer 2016 forests, climate change impacts on biodiversity, biogeography
Universal, easy access to geotemporal information: FetchClimate Grechka, Dmitry A., Sergey B. Berezin, Stephen J. Emmott, Vassily Lyutsarev, Matthew J. Smith, and Drew W. Purves 2016 climate data, climate data applications
Projecting changes in regional temperature and precipitation extremes in the United States Schoof, Justin T., and Scott M. Robeson 2016 extreme events, precipitation, temperature, climate change projections
Adaptation services of floodplains and wetlands under transformational climate change Colloff, Matthew J., Sandra Lavorel, Russell M. Wise, Michael Dunlop, Ian C. Overton, and Kristen J. Williams 2016 ecosystem services, hydrology, climate change impacts, wetlands, case studies
Evaluating conceptual models of landscape change Brudvig, Lars A., Shawn J. Leroux, Cécile H. Albert, Emilio M. Bruna, Kendi F. Davies, Robert M. Ewers, Douglas J. Levey, Renata Pardini, and Julian Resasco 2016 conservation planning, biogeography, ecological change
The downside risk of climate change in California’s Central Valley agricultural sector Hanemann, Michael, Susan Stratton Sayre, and Larry Dale 2016 agriculture, decision making under uncertainty, climate change assessment
A Rapid Assessment of the Vulnerability of Sensitive Wildlife to Extreme Drought California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Wildlife Branch 2016-01-22 vulnerability assessment, drought, biodiversity, wildlife
Assessments of species’ vulnerability to climate change: from pseudo to science Wade, Alisa A., Brian K. Hand, Ryan P. Kovach, Clint C. Muhlfeld, Robin S. Waples, and Gordon Luikart 2017 vulnerability assessment, biodiversity management, climate change impacts on biodiversity
Rising Seas in California: An Update on Sea-Level Rise Science Griggs, Gary, Joseph Árvai, Dan Cayan, Robert DeConto, Jenn Fox, Helen Amanda Fricker, Robert E. Kopp, Claudia Tebaldi, and Elizabeth A. Whiteman 2017 sea level rise, climate change impacts
A survival guide to Landsat preprocessing Young, Nicholas E., Ryan S. Anderson, Stephen M. Chignell, Anthony G. Vorster, Rick Lawrence, and Paul H. Evangelista 2017 remote sensing, monitoring, ecological change
