Document Catalog

The Climate Commons Document Library contains catalog records for documents hosted on the Commons and elsewhere. Many of the documents are linked to data found in the Climate Commons Data Catalog and provide useful information about the creation of the data and/or research projects that used it.

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Title Author Datesort descending Subjects
San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge Climate Adaptation Plan Veloz, S., Wood, J., Jongsomjit, D., Block, G., Robinson, K.F. 2016 tidal marshes, wildlife, climate adaptation
Weakening mechanisms imposed on California’s levees under multiyear extreme drought Robinson, Joe D., and Farshid Vahedifard 2016 water management, drought, climate change impacts
Evaluation of downscaled, gridded climate data for the conterminous United States Behnke, R., S. Vavrus, A. Allstadt, T. Albright, W. E. Thogmartin, and V. C. Radeloff 2016 downscaling, gridded climate data, weather data
Using citizen scientists to assess climate change shifts in desert reptile communities Barrows, Cameron W., Josh Hoines, Michael S. Vamstad, Michelle Murphy-Mariscal, Kristen Lalumiere, and James Heintz 2016 reptiles, biodiversity, citizen science
Vulnerabilities of Southwestern U.S. rangeland-based animal agriculture to climate change Havstad, K. M., J. R. Brown, R. Estell, E. Elias, A. Rango, and C. Steele 2016 rangelands, climate change adaptation, resource management
The Pacific Decadal Oscillation, Revisited Newman, Matthew, Michael A. Alexander, Toby R. Ault, Kim M. Cobb, Clara Deser, Emanuele Di Lorenzo, Nathan J. Mantua, Arthur J. Miller, Shoshiro Minobe, Hisashi Nakamura, Niklas Schneider, Daniel J. Vimont, Adam S. Phillips, and 2 others 2016 Pacific Decadal Oscillation, sea surface temperature, climate dynamics
Phenology: Interactions of climate change and species Visser, Marcel E. 2016 phenology, climate change impacts on biodiversity
State of Local Climate Action: California 2016 Statewide Energy Efficiency Collaborative 2016 regional planning, climate change mitigation
Challenges in assessing the vulnerability of species to climate change to inform conservation actions Butt, N., H. P. Possingham, C. De Los Rios, R. Maggini, R. A. Fuller, S. L. Maxwell, and J. E. M. Watson 2016 climate change impacts on biodiversity, conservation planning, extreme events
Climate Ready North Bay Vegetation Reports Terrestrial Biodiversity Climate Change Consortium (TBC3) 2016 vegetation, climate change impacts on biodiversity, climate change assessment
Contemporary Drought and Future Effects of Climate Change on the Endangered Blunt-Nosed Leopard Lizard, Gambelia sila Westphal, M. F., J. A. E. Stewart, E. N. Tennant, H. S. Butterfield, and B. Sinervo 2016 blunt-nosed leopard lizard, reptiles
Future land-use related water demand in California Wilson, Tamara S., Benjamin M. Sleeter, and D. Richard Cameron 2016 urban growth, agriculture, water management, climate change impacts
Local bumble bee decline linked to recovery of honey bees, drought effects on floral resources Thomson, Diane M 2016 pollinators, insects, drought
Response of Sierra Nevada forests to projected climate-wildfire interactions Liang, Shuang, Matthew D. Hurteau, and A. LeRoy Westerling 2016 wildfire, climate change impacts, carbon sequestration, forests, forest management
Supporting local climate change adaptation: Where we are and where we need to go Nordgren, John, Missy Stults, and Sara Meerow 2016 climate change adaptation, adaptation planning, human communities
Adaptive management of ecosystem services across different land use regimes Ruhl, J. B. 2016 adaptive management, ecosystem services, land use
