Our Changing Climate; Assessing the Risks to California. A Summary Report from the California Climate Change Center |
2006 |
climate change impacts |
Replacement cost: A practical measure of site value for cost-effective reserve planning |
Cabeza, Mar and Moilanen, Atte |
2006 |
biodiversity management, conservation prioritization |
Take Care of the Land and the Land Will Take Care of You: Traditional Ecology in Native California |
Cunningham, Farrell |
2005 |
traditional ecological knowledge, human communities, indigenous peoples |
Interactions between Habitat Loss and Climate Change: Implications for Fairy Shrimp in the Central Valley Ecoregion of California, USA |
Pyke, C. R. |
2005 |
vernal pools |
The two-culture problem: ecological restoration and the integration of knowledge |
Higgs, Eric |
2005 |
ecological restoration, traditional ecological knowledge |
Modeled regional climate change and California endemic oak ranges |
Kueppers, Lara M., Snyder, Mark A., Sloan, Lisa C., Zaveleta, Erika S., and Fulfrost, Brian |
2005 |
Quercus lobata, Quercus douglasii, bioclimatic modeling, climate change projections |
Using multivariate adaptive regression splines to predict the distributions of New Zealand's freshwater diadromous fish |
Leathwick, J.R., Rowe, D., Richardson, J., Elith, J. and Hastie, T. |
2005 |
statistical methods, species distribution modeling, fish |
Prioritizing multiple-use landscapes for conservation: methods for large multi-species planning problems |
Moilanen, Atte, Franco, Aldina M. A., Early, Regan I., Fox, Richard, Wintle, Brendan, and Thomas, Chris D. |
2005 |
biodiversity management, connectivity, conservation prioritization |
Fine-scale processes regulate the response of extreme events to global climate change |
Diffenbaugh, Noah S., Jeremy S. Pal, Robert J. Trapp, and Filippo Giorgi |
2005 |
extreme events, precipitation, temperature, climate change impacts |
Cattle Grazing Mediates Climate Change Impacts on Ephemeral Wetlands |
Pyke, C. R., and J. Marty. |
2005 |
grazing, rangelands, vernal pools |
Sensitivity of conservation planning to different approaches to using predicted species distribution data |
Wilson, K. A., M. I. Westphal, H. P. Possingham, and J. Elith |
2005 |
conservation planning, conservation prioritization, biodiversity management |
From climate-change spaghetti to climate-change distributions for 21st Century California |
Dettinger, Michael |
2005 |
climate change projections, climate modeling |
Weaving traditional ecological knowledge into the restoration of basketry plants |
Shebitz, Daniela |
2005 |
traditional ecological knowledge, ethnobotany |
Very high resolution interpolated climate surfaces for global land areas |
Hijmans, Robert J., Cameron, Susan E., Parra, Juan L., Jones, Peter G., and Jarvis, Andy |
2005 |
climate data, climate change projections, historical climate |
Selecting thresholds of occurrence in the prediction of species distributions |
Liu, Canran, Berry, Pam M., Dawson, Terence P., and Pearson, Richard G. |
2005 |
species distribution modeling, statistical methods |
Predicting species distribution: offering more than simple habitat models |
Guisan, Antoine, Edwards, and Thullier, Wilfried |
2005 |
species distribution modeling, ecological modeling |