Collaborative decision-analytic framework to maximize resilience of tidal marshes to climate change |
Thorne, Karen M., Brady J. Mattsson, John Takekawa, Jonathan Cummings, Debby Crouse, Giselle Block, Valary Bloom, Matt Gerhart, Steve Goldbeck, Beth Huning, Christina Sloop, Mendel Stewart, Karen Taylor, Laura Valoppi |
2015 |
decision making, decision making under uncertainty, sea level rise, coastal adaptation planning, tidal marshes |
A spatially comprehensive, hydrometeorological data set for Mexico, the U.S., and Southern Canada 1950–2013 |
Livneh, Ben, Theodore J. Bohn, David W. Pierce, Francisco Munoz-Arriola, Bart Nijssen, Russell Vose, Daniel R. Cayan, and Levi Brekke |
2015 |
historical climate, meteorological data, gridded climate data, temperature, precipitation |
The pace of past climate change vs. potential bird distributions and land use in the United States |
Bateman, Brooke L., Anna M. Pidgeon, Volker C. Radeloff, Jeremy VanDerWal, Wayne E. Thogmartin, Stephen J. Vavrus, and Patricia J. Heglund |
2015 |
biodiversity, birds, species distributions |
Global weather and local butterflies: variable responses to a large-scale climate pattern along an elevational gradient |
Pardikes, Nicholas A., Arthur M. Shapiro, Lee A. Dyer, and Matthew L. Forister |
2015 |
butterflies, El Niño - Southern Oscillation, sea surface temperature |
Irrigation as an historical climate forcing |
Cook, Benjamin I., Sonali P. Shukla, Michael J. Puma, and Larissa S. Nazarenko |
2015 |
agriculture, climate dynamics, water management, surface temperature |
Climate Ready Sonoma County: Climate Hazards and Vulnerabilities |
Cornwall, C., S. Moore, D. DiPietro, S. Veloz, L. Micheli, L.Casey, M. Mersich |
2015 |
climate adaptation, climate change impacts |
Playing hide and seek with El Niño |
McPhaden, M. J. |
2015 |
El Niño - Southern Oscillation, climate variability |
Impacts of sea level rise and climate change on coastal plant species in the central California coast. |
Garner, K. L., M. Y. Chang, M. T. Fulda, J. A. Berlin, R. E. Freed, M. M. Soo-Hoo, D. L. Revell, M. Ikegami, L. E. Flint, A. L. Flint, and others |
2015 |
plants, vegetation, vegetation distribution |
The visual rhetoric of climate change |
Walsh, Lynda |
2015 |
communication about climate change |
Tree mortality from drought, insects, and their interactions in a changing climate |
Anderegg, W. R. L., J. A. Hicke, R. A. Fisher, C. D. Allen, J. Aukema, B. Bentz, S. Hood, J. W. Lichstein, A. K. Macalady, N. McDowell, Y. Pan, K. Raffa, A. Sala, J. D. Shaw, N. L. Stephenson, C. Tague, and M. Zeppel |
2015 |
forest management, tree mortality |
A review of selection-based tests of abiotic surrogates for species representation |
Beier, Paul, Patricia Sutcliffe, Jan Hjort, Daniel P. Faith, Robert L. Pressey, and Fabio Albuquerque |
2015 |
geodiversity, species diversity, conservation prioritization |
Climate-related range shifts – a global multidimensional synthesis and new research directions |
Lenoir, J. and Svenning, J.-C. |
2015 |
biodiversity, species distributions |
Case studies of conservation plans that incorporate geodiversity |
Anderson, M. G., Comer, P. J., Beier, P., Lawler, J. J., Schloss, C. A., Buttrick, S., Albano, C.M. and Faith, D. P. |
2015 |
geodiversity, biological conservation, conservation planning |
The future of climate modeling |
Katzav, Joel and Parker, Wendy S. |
2015 |
climate modeling, general circulation models |
Marshes to mudflats—Effects of sea-level rise on tidal marshes along a latitudinal gradient in the Pacific Northwest |
Karen M. Thorne, Bruce D. Dugger, Kevin J. Buffington, Chase M. Freeman, Christopher N. Janousek, Katherine W. Powelson, Glenn R. Gutenspergen, and John Y. Takekawa |
2015 |
tidal marshes, sea level rise, climate change impacts |
Economics of downscaled climate-induced changes in cropland, with projections to 2050: evidence from Yolo County California |
Lee, Hyunok, and Daniel A. Sumner |
2015 |
climate change impacts, agriculture, land use |