Document Catalog

The Climate Commons Document Library contains catalog records for documents hosted on the Commons and elsewhere. Many of the documents are linked to data found in the Climate Commons Data Catalog and provide useful information about the creation of the data and/or research projects that used it.

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Title Author Datesort ascending Subjects
Risks of large-scale use of systemic insecticides to ecosystem functioning and services Chagnon, Madeleine, Kreutzweiser, David, Mitchell, Edward A. D., Morrissey, Christy A., Noome, Dominique A., and Van der Sluijs, Jeroen P. 2014 pesticides, pollination, ecosystem services
Influence of climatic niche suitability and geographical overlap on hybridization patterns among southern Californian oaks Ortego, Joaquin, Gugger, Paul F., Riordan, Eric C., and Sork, Victoria L. 2014 Quercus engelmannii, plants, ecological genetics, biodiversity
Explaining Extreme Events of 2013 from a Climate Perspective Herring, Stephanie C., Hoerling, Martin P., Peterson, Thomas C., and Stot, Peter A. 2014 extreme events
Examining the contribution of the observed global warming trend to the California droughts of 2012/13 and 2013/14 Funk, Chris, Hoell, Andrew, and Stone, Dáithí 2014 sea surface temperature, drought, climate modeling
The key role of dry days in changing regional climate and precipitation regimes Polade, Suraj D., David W. Pierce, Daniel R. Cayan, Alexander Gershunov, and Michael D. Dettinger 2014 precipitation, climate change projections, climate modeling
Indigenous experiences in the U.S. with climate change and environmental stewardship in the Anthropocene Chief, Karletta, Daigle, John J., Lynn, Kathy, and Whyte, Kyle Powys 2014 indigenous peoples, climate change adaptation, resource management
Traditional Ecological Knowledge: A Model for Modern Fire Management? Joint Fire Science Program 2014 wildfire, traditional ecological knowledge, indigenous peoples, forest management
Sierra Nevada Birds and Climate Change Bumgardner, S. 2014 birds, biodiversity
Climate-Smart Conservation: Putting Adaptation Principles into Practice Stein, Bruce A., Glick, Patty, Edelson, Naomi, and Staudt, Amanda 2014 climate-smart conservation, adaptive management, climate change adaptation
The relative impacts of climate and land-use change on conterminous United States bird species from 2001 to 2075 Sohl, Terry L. 2014 birds, land cover, land use, climate change impacts on biodiversity, species distribution modeling
Selecting CMIP5 GCMs for downscaling over multiple regions McSweeney, C. F., R. G. Jones, R. W. Lee, and D. P. Rowell 2014 downscaling, climate modeling, climate change assessment
Past, present and future distributions of a local assemblage of congeneric lizards in southern California Barrows, Cameron W. and Fisher, Mark 2014 reptiles, bioclimatic modeling, biodiversity
County-level analysis of the impact of temperature and population increases on California wildfire data Baltar, M., J. E. Keeley, and F. P. Schoenberg 2014 wildfire, temperature trends, urban growth
Key lessons for incorporating natural infrastructure into regional climate adaptation planning Langridge, Suzanne M., Hartge, Eric H., Clark, Ross, Arkema, Katie, Verutes, Gregory M., Prahler, Erin E., Stoner-Duncan, Sarah, Revell, David L., Caldwell, Margaret R., Guerry, Anne D., Ruckelhaus, Mary, Abeles, Adina, Coburn, Chris, and O'Conner, Kevin 2014 sea level rise, coastal adaptation planning, coastal zone management, climate change adaptation
Quo vadis amphibia? Global warming and breeding phenology in frogs, toads and salamanders While Geoffrey M., and Uller, Tobias 2014 amphibians, phenology, biodiversity
Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Vulnerability Assessment Technical Synthesis: Chaparral Hauptfeld, R.S., Kershner, J. M., and Feifel, K. M. 2014 chaparral, vulnerability assessment, biodiversity
