Topoclimate versus macroclimate: how does climate mapping methodology affect species distribution models and climate change projections? |
Slavich, Eve, David I. Warton, Michael B. Ashcroft, John R. Gollan, and Daniel Ramp |
2014 |
species distribution modeling, climate change impacts on biodiversity, ecological modeling |
The modelling spiral for solving “wicked” environmental problems: Guidance for stakeholder involvement and collaborative model development |
Parrott, Lael |
2017 |
resource management, ecological modeling, decision making under uncertainty |
The effects of climate downscaling technique and observational data set on modeled ecological responses |
Pourmokhtarian, Afshin, Charles T. Driscoll, John L. Campbell, Katharine Hayhoe, and Anne M. K. Stoner |
2016 |
climate change projections, ecological modeling, downscaling |
The art of modelling range-shifting species |
Elith, Jane, Kearney, Michael, Phillips, Steven |
2010 |
species distribution modeling, ecological modeling, biodiversity, invasive species |
Species distribution models: ecological explanation and prediction across space and time |
Elith, Jane and Leathwick, John R. |
2009 |
species distribution modeling, ecological modeling |
Predicting the likely response of data-poor ecosystems to climate change using space-for-time substitution across domains |
Lester, Rebecca E., Paul G. Close, Jan L. Barton, Adam J. Pope, and Stuart C. Brown |
2014 |
climate change impacts on biodiversity, ecological modeling, ecosystem management |
Predicting species distribution: offering more than simple habitat models |
Guisan, Antoine, Edwards, and Thullier, Wilfried |
2005 |
species distribution modeling, ecological modeling |
Novel methods improve prediction of species' distributions from occurrence data |
Elith, Jane, Graham, Catherine H., Anderson, Robert P., Dudík, Miroslav, Ferrier, Simon, Guisan, Antoine., Hijmans, Robert J., Huettmann, Falk, Leathwick, John R., Lehmann, Anthony, Li, Jin, Lohmann, Lucia G., Loiselle, Bette A., and 13 others |
2006 |
ecological modeling, species distribution modeling |
Novel climates, no-analog communities, and ecological surprises |
Williams, John W. and Jackson, Stephen T. |
2007 |
novel climates, biodiversity, ecological modeling |
Modeling of species distributions with Maxent: new extensions and a comprehensive evaluation |
Phillips, Steven J. and Dudik, Miroslav |
2008 |
species distribution modeling, biodiversity management, ecological modeling |
Likelihood analysis of species occurrence probability from presence-only data for modelling species distributions |
Royle, J. Andrew, Chandler, Richard B., Yackulic, Charles, and Nichols, James D. |
2012 |
biodiversity management, species distribution modeling, ecological modeling |
Landscape Zonation, benefit functions and target-based planning: unifying reserve selection strategies |
Mollanen, Atte |
2007 |
conservation prioritization, conservation planning, ecological modeling |
How spatial scale shapes the generation and management of multiple ecosystem services |
Lindborg, Regina, Line J. Gordon, Rebecka Malinga, Jan Bengtsson, Garry Peterson, Riccardo Bommarco, Lisa Deutsch, Åsa Gren, Maj Rundlöf, and Henrik G. Smith |
2017 |
ecosystem services, biodiversity management, ecological modeling |
Development of gridded surface meteorological data for ecological applications and modelling |
Abatzoglou, John T. |
2011 |
gridded climate data, ecological modeling |
Comparing species distributions modelled from occurrence data and from expert-based range maps. Implication for predicting range shifts with climate change |
Fourcade, Yoan |
2016 |
species distribution modeling, ecological modeling, climate change impacts on biodiversity |
Collinearity: a review of methods to deal with it and a simulation study evaluating their performance |
Dorman, Carsten F., Elith, Jane, Bacher, Sven, Buchmann, Carsten, Carl, Gudrun, Carré, Gabriel, García Marquéz, Jaime R., Gruber, Bernd, Lafourcade, Bruno, Leitão, Pedro J , Münkemüller, Tamara, McClean, Colin, Osborne, Patrick E., and 5 others |
2013 |
statistical methods, species distribution modeling, ecological modeling |
Climate change impacts on forest growth and tree mortality: a data-driven modeling study in the mixed-conifer forest of the Sierra Nevada, California |
Battles, John J., Robards, Timothy, Das, Adrian, Waring, Kristen, Giless, J. Keith, Biging, Gregory, and Schurr, Frieder |
2007 |
climate change, forest management, ecological modeling, case studies |
A working guide to boosted regression trees |
Elith, J., Leathwick, J. R., and Hastie, T. |
2008 |
statistical methods, species distribution modeling, ecological modeling |
A statistical explanation of MaxEnt for ecologists |
Elith, Jane, Phillips, Steven J., Hastie, Trevor, Dudik, Miroslav, Chee, Yung En, and Yates, Colin J. |
2011 |
statistical methods, species distribution modeling, ecological modeling |
A risk-based ecohydrological approach to assessing environmental flow regimes |
Mcgregor, Glenn B., Jonathan C. Marshall, Jaye S. Lobegeiger, Dean Holloway, Norbert Menke, and Julie Coysh |
2017 |
water management, ecological modeling, conservation planning |
A practical guide to MaxEnt for modeling species’ distributions: what it does, and why inputs and settings matter |
Merow, Cory, Smith, Matthew J., and Silander, John A. |
2013 |
species distribution modeling, ecological modeling, biodiversity management |
A Climate Change Primer for Land Managers: An Example from the Sierra Nevada |
Morelli, Toni Lyn, Maureen C. McGlinchy, Ronald P. Neilson |
2011 |
climate change adaptation, resource management, ecological modeling, novel ecosystems |
A brief tutorial on Maxent |
Phillips, Steven |
2010 |
species distribution modeling, ecological modeling, biodiversity management |
A bioenergetics approach to setting conservation objectives for non-breeding shorebirds in California’s Central Valley |
Dybala, Kristen E., Matthew E. Reiter, Catherine M. Hickey, W. David Shuford, Khara M. Strum, and Gregory S. Yarris |
2017 |
shorebirds, ecological modeling, wetlands |