Species Distribution Modeling and Conservation Planning Workshop

In September of 2013 the CA LCC partnered with UC Davis Information Center for the Environment and Point Blue Conservation Science to offer a workshop on systematic conservation planning (see the CA LCC project description). The aim of the workshop was to present the state of the science for using spatial decision support tools to inform the conservation of plants and animals in the context of climate adaptation planning.

Presented here are the materials from the workshop, including reading lists, slide presentations, and lab exercises. These materials are free to use with attribution to the authors.
Preliminary Material

Outline of Workshop

Presentation Slides

Scenario Planning

Workshop Lab Exercises

Reading Lists and Online Resources

Complete List of Resources Mentioned in Workshop

Contributors to this article
Last Updated: 


Type Title Creatorsort ascending Date
Document Planning for reserve adequacy in dynamic landscapes; maximizing future representation of vegetation communities under flood disturbance in the Pantanal wetland Lourival, Reinaldo, Drechsler, Martin, Watts, Matthew E., Game, Edward T. and Possingham, Hugh P.
Document A practical guide to MaxEnt for modeling species’ distributions: what it does, and why inputs and settings matter Merow, Cory, Smith, Matthew J., and Silander, John A. 2013
Document Identifying habitat conservation priorities and gaps for migratory shorebirds and waterfowl in California Stralberg, Diana, Cameron, D. Richard, Reynolds, Mark D., Hickey, Catherine M., Klausmeyer, Kirk, Busby, Sylvia M., Stenzel, Lynne E., Shuford, W. David, and Page, Gary W. 2011
Document Sensitivity of conservation planning to different approaches to using predicted species distribution data Wilson, K. A., M. I. Westphal, H. P. Possingham, and J. Elith 2005
Document Climate change and the future of California's endemic flora Loarie, Scott R., Carter, Benjamin E., Hayhoe, Katharine, McMahon, Sean, Moe, Richard, Knight, Charles A., Ackerly, David D., 2008
Web Resource Pacific Northwest Climate Change Avian Vulnerability Point Blue
Document Modeling of species distributions with Maxent: new extensions and a comprehensive evaluation Phillips, Steven J. and Dudik, Miroslav 2008
Document A working guide to boosted regression trees Elith, J., Leathwick, J. R., and Hastie, T. 2008
Web Resource Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC) U.S. Geological Survey
Document Incorporating climate change adaptation into national conservation assessments Game, Edward T., Lipsett-Moore, Geoffrey, Saxon, Earl, Peterson, Nate, and Sheppard, Stuart 2011
Document The projection of species distribution models and the problem of non-analog climate Fitzpatrick, Matthew C., and Hargrove, William W. 2009
Document Core concepts of spatial prioritisation in systematic conservation planning Mollanen, Atte and Kukkala, Aija S. 2013
Article Web Resources for 2013 SDM Workshop
Document Modelling with stakeholders to integrate biodiversity into land-use planning – Lessons learned in Réunion Island (Western Indian Ocean) Lagabrielle, Erwann, Botta, Aurélie, Daré, Williams, David, Daniel, Aubert, Sigrid, and Fabricius, Christo 2010
Document Identifying conservation areas on the basis of alternative distribution data sets Underwood, Jared G., D'agrosa, Caterina, and Gerber, Leah R. 2010
Document Selecting thresholds for the prediction of species occurrence with presence-only data Liu, Canran, White, Matt, and Newell, Graeme 2013
Web Resource Biodiversity Information Serving Our Nation (BISON) U.S. Geological Survey
Document Systematic conservation planning: an updated protocol Sarkar, Sahotra, and Illoldi-Rangel, Patricia 2010
Document Novel climates, no-analog communities, and ecological surprises Williams, John W. and Jackson, Stephen T. 2007
Document Prioritizing multiple-use landscapes for conservation: methods for large multi-species planning problems Moilanen, Atte, Franco, Aldina M. A., Early, Regan I., Fox, Richard, Wintle, Brendan, and Thomas, Chris D. 2005
