WorldClim 2: new 1-km spatial resolution climate surfaces for global land areas |
2017 |
downscaled climate data, historical climate, temperature, precipitation |
Drought in Southern California |
2015 |
drought, water resources, climate change impacts |
Our Changing Climate; Assessing the Risks to California. A Summary Report from the California Climate Change Center |
2006 |
climate change impacts |
Development of gridded surface meteorological data for ecological applications and modelling |
Abatzoglou, John T. |
2011 |
gridded climate data, ecological modeling |
The West Wide Drought Tracker: drought monitoring at fine spatial scales |
Abatzoglou, John T., Daniel J. McEvoy, and Kelly T. Redmond |
2017 |
drought, climate monitoring, evapotranspiration, precipitation |
Managing biodiversity under climate change: challenges, frameworks, and tools for adaptation |
Abrahms, Briana, Deanne DiPietro, Andrea Graffis, and Allan Hollander |
2017 |
climate change impacts on biodiversity, biodiversity management, conservation planning |
How can climate change and engineered water conveyance affect sediment dynamics in the San Francisco Bay-Delta system? |
Achete, Fernanda, Mick van der Wegen, Jan Adriaan Roelvink, and Bruce Jaffe |
2017 |
estuarine ecosystems, sediment transport, climate change impacts, case studies |
The geography of climate change: implications for conservation biogeography |
Ackerly, D. D., Loarie, S. R., Cornwell, W. K., Weiss, S. B, Hamilton, H., Branciforte, R. and Kraft, N. J. B. |
2010 |
biological conservation, climate change, protected area networks |
A Geographic Mosaic of Climate Change Impacts on Terrestrial Vegetation: Which Areas Are Most at Risk? |
Ackerly, D. D., W. K. Cornwell, S. B. Weiss, L. E. Flint, and A. L. Flint |
June, 2015 |
vegetation modeling, biodiversity |
Future Climate Scenarios for California: Freezing Isoclines, Novel Climates, and Climatic Resilience of California’s Protected Areas |
Ackerly, David D. |
2012 |
bioclimatic modeling, resilience, climate change projections, climate change adaptation, novel climates |
Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in the San Francisco Bay Area |
Ackerly, David D., Ryals, Rebecca A., Cornwell, Will K., Loarie, Scott R., Veloz, Sam, Higgason, Kelley D., Silver, Whendee L., and Dawson, Todd E. |
2012 |
climate change adaptation, conservation planning, ecosystem services |
San Francisco Bay Area Region Report |
Ackerly, David, Andrew Jones, Mark Stacey, and Bruce Riordan |
2018 |
climate change assessment, climate change impacts, human communities, climate change adaptation |
Avian Demographic Response to Climate Change: A Multi-Species and Multi-Landscape Approach to Synthesizing Risk Factors |
Ackerman, J. T., M. P. Herzog, L. Salas, T. Gardali, G. Ballard, D. Loughman, G. Yarris, and J. M. Eadie |
2011 |
bird demographics, climate change impacts, waterfowl |
Bioinvasions in a Changing World: A Resource on Invasive Species - Climate Change Interactions for Conservation and Natural Resource Management |
Ad Hoc Working Group on Invasive Species and Climate Change |
2014 |
invasive species, biodiversity |
Quantitative tools and simultaneous actions needed for species conservation under climate change–reply to Shoo et al. (2013) |
Ahteensuu, Marko, Sami Aikio, Pedro Cardoso, Marko Hyvärinen, Maria Hällfors, Susanna Lehvävirta, Leif Schulman, and Elina Vaara |
2015 |
decision making under uncertainty, climate change impacts on biodiversity, biodiversity management |
Influence of atmospheric rivers on vegetation productivity and fire patterns in the southwestern U.S. |
Albano, C. M., M. D. Dettinger, and C. E. Soulard |
2017 |
atmospheric rivers, fire |
Identification of geophysically diverse locations that may facilitate species’ persistence and adaptation to climate change in the southwestern United States |
Albano, Christine M. |
2015 |
geodiversity, landscape conservation planning, climate change adaptation |
From projected species distribution to food-web structure under climate change |
Albouli, Camille, Velez, Laurie, Coll, Marta, Colloca, Francesco, Le Loch, François, Mouillot, David, and Gravel, Dominique |
2013 |
food webs, biodiversity, fish |
Using regional bird density distribution models to evaluate protected area networks and inform conservation planning |
Alexander, John D., Jaime L. Stephens, Sam Veloz, Leo Salas, Josée S. Rousseau, C. John Ralph, and Daniel A. Sarr |
2017 |
birds, species distribution modeling, conservation planning |
The relative influence of climate and housing development on current and projected future fire patterns and structure loss across three California landscapes. |
Alexandra D. Syphard, Rustigian-Romsos, H., Mann, M., Conlisk, E., Moritz, M. A., Ackerly, D. |
2019-05 |
wildfire, fire, bioclimatic modeling, land use |