Collinearity: a review of methods to deal with it and a simulation study evaluating their performance |
Dorman, Carsten F., Elith, Jane, Bacher, Sven, Buchmann, Carsten, Carl, Gudrun, Carré, Gabriel, García Marquéz, Jaime R., Gruber, Bernd, Lafourcade, Bruno, Leitão, Pedro J , Münkemüller, Tamara, McClean, Colin, Osborne, Patrick E., and 5 others |
2013 |
statistical methods, species distribution modeling, ecological modeling |
Collaborative decision-analytic framework to maximize resilience of tidal marshes to climate change |
Thorne, Karen M., Brady J. Mattsson, John Takekawa, Jonathan Cummings, Debby Crouse, Giselle Block, Valary Bloom, Matt Gerhart, Steve Goldbeck, Beth Huning, Christina Sloop, Mendel Stewart, Karen Taylor, Laura Valoppi |
2015 |
decision making, decision making under uncertainty, sea level rise, coastal adaptation planning, tidal marshes |
Coastal infrastructure: a typology for the next century of adaptation to sea-level rise |
Hill, Kristina |
2015 |
coastal zone management, coastal adaptation planning, sea level rise |
Coastal Fog, Climate Change, and the Environment |
Torregrosa, A., T. O’Brien, and I. C. Faloona |
December, 2014 |
fog |
Coastal Flooding - Potential Projections: 2000-2100 |
Bromirski, Peter D., Cayan, Daniel R., Graham, Nicholas, Tyree, Mary and Flick, Reinhard |
2012 |
sea level rise, coastal flooding, climate change projections |
Clinal adaptation and adaptive plasticity in Artemisia californica: implications for the response of a foundation species to predicted climate change |
Pratt, Jessica D. and Mooney, Kailen A. |
2013 |
Artemisia californica, climate change adaptation, ecological genetics |
CliMond: global high-resolution historical and future scenario climate surfaces for bioclimatic modelling |
Kriticos, Darren J., Webber, Bruce L., Leriche, Agathe, Ota, Noboru, Macadam, Ian, Bathols, Janice, and Scott, John K. |
2012 |
historical climate, climate change projections, bioclimatic modeling |
Climatic variation and tortoise survival: Has a desert species met its match? |
Lovich, Jeffrey E., Yackulic, Charles B., Freilich, Jerry, Agha, Mickey, Austin, Meaghan, Meyer, Katherine P., Arundel, Terence R., Hansen, Jered, Vamstad, Michael S., and Root, Stephanie A. |
2014 |
reptiles, biodiversity, predation |
Climatic trends and advancing spring flight of butterflies in lowland California |
Forister, Matthew L., and Arthur M. Shapiro |
2003 |
butterflies, phenology, climate change impacts on biodiversity |
Climatic stress increases forest fire severity across the western United States |
van Mantgem, Philip J, Nesmith, Jonathan C. B., Keifer, MaryBeth, Knapp, Eric E., Flint, Alan, and Flint, Lorraine |
2013 |
biodiversity, fire frequency, wildfire |
Climatic microrefugia under anthropogenic climate change: implications for species redistribution |
Lenoir, Jonathan, Tarek Hattab, and Guillaume Pierre |
2017 |
climate refugia, downscaling, bioclimatic modeling |
Climatic correlates of tree mortality in water- and energy-limited forests |
Das, Adrian J., Stephenson, Nathan L, Flint, Alan, Das, Tapash, and van Mantgem, Phillip J. |
2013 |
climatic water deficit, biodiversity, tree mortality |
Climatic context and ecological implications of summer fog decline in the coast redwood region |
Johnstone, J. A., and T. E. Dawson |
2010 |
fog, redwoods |
Climatic change, wildfire, and conservation |
McKenzie, Donald, Ze’ev Gedalof, David L. Peterson, and Philip Mote |
2004 |
wildfire, climate variability, paleoclimates |
Climate-Smart Conservation: Putting Adaptation Principles into Practice |
Stein, Bruce A., Glick, Patty, Edelson, Naomi, and Staudt, Amanda |
2014 |
climate-smart conservation, adaptive management, climate change adaptation |
Climate-Smart Adaptation for North-central California Coastal Habitats |
Sara Hutto, editor |
March, 2016 |
climate change adaptation, coastal adaptation planning, marine ecosystems, coastal zone management |
Climate-relevant land use and land cover change policies |
Mahmood, Rezaul, Roger A. Pielke, Thomas R. Loveland, and Clive A. McAlpine |
2016 |
land cover, land use planning, climate change mitigation, climate change impacts |
Climate-related range shifts – a global multidimensional synthesis and new research directions |
Lenoir, J. and Svenning, J.-C. |
2015 |
biodiversity, species distributions |
Climate-related change in an intertidal community over short and long time scales |
Sagarin, Raphael D., Barry, James P., Gilman, Sarah E., Baxter, Charles H. |
1999 |
invertebrates, climate change impacts, El Niño - Southern Oscillation, intertidal communities |
Climate-Driven Geomorphic Alteration of Intertidal Habitats for Foraging Migratory Birds in the San Francisco Bay Estuary; A California Landscape Conservation Cooperative Project |
Jaffe, B. E., J. Y. Takekawa, L. E. Shaskey, and A. C. Foxgrover |
2011 |
sea level rise, wetlands |