List Documents in Library

Title Author Datesort descending Subjects
Incorporating geodiversity into conservation decisions Comer, Patrick J., Pressey, Robert L., Hunter, Malcolm L. Jr., Schloss, Carrie A., Buttrick, Steven C., Heller, Nicole E., Tirpak, John M., Faith, Daniel P., Cross, Molly S. and Shaffer, Mark L. 2015 geodiversity, biological conservation, conservation planning
Twenty-first-century challenges in regional climate modeling Rummukainen, Markku, Burkhardt Rockel, Lars Bärring, Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen, and Marcus Reckermann 2015 regional climate models, climate modeling, downscaling
Vegetation cover change in the Upper Kings River basin of the Sierra Nevada detected using Landsat satellite image analysis Potter, Christopher 2015 vegetation distribution, precipitation, biodiversity
Spatial conservation priorities are highly sensitive to choice of biodiversity surrogates and species distribution model type Lentini, Pia E., and Brendan A. Wintle 2015 conservation prioritization, species distribution modeling, model uncertainty
Significant modulation of variability and projected change in California winter precipitation by extratropical cyclone activity Chang, Edmund K. M., Cheng Zheng, Patrick Lanigan, Albert M. W. Yau, and J. David Neelin 2015 precipitation, climate modeling, drought
Report Providing Comparison of Adaptation Plans Submitted to the White House in 2014 Conners, Hannah M., White, Kathleen D., and Arnold, Jeffrey R. 2015 adaptation planning, climate change adaptation
Assessing species vulnerability to climate change Pacificii, Michela, Foden, Wendy B., Visconti, Piero, Watson, James E.M., Butchart, Stuart H.M., Kovacs, Kit M., Scheffers, Brett R., Hole, David G., Martin, Tara G., Akçakaya, H. Resit, Corlett, Richard T., Huntley, Brian, Bickford, David, and 9 others 2015 vulnerability assessment, biodiversity
California precipitation California-Nevada Climate Applications Program 2015 precipitation, atmospheric rivers
Identifying the best climatic predictors in ecology and evolution van de Pol, Martijn, Liam D. Bailey, Nina McLean, Laurie Rijsdijk, Callum R. Lawson, and Lyanne Brouwer 2016 weather, bioclimatic modeling
Incorporating climate change into spatial conservation prioritisation: A review Jones, Kendall R., James E. M. Watson, Hugh P. Possingham, and Carissa J. Klein 2016 conservation prioritization, biodiversity, conservation planning
Global Carbon Budget 2016 Quéré, et. al. 2016 carbon emissions
Managing climate change refugia for climate adaptation Morelli, Toni Lyn, Christopher Daly, Solomon Z. Dobrowski, Deanna M. Dulen, Joseph L. Ebersole, Stephen T. Jackson, Jessica D. Lundquist, Constance I. Millar, Sean P. Maher, William B. Monahan, Koren R. Nydick, Kelly T. Redmond, and 3 others 2016 climate refugia, paleoclimates, climate change impacts on biodiversity
Comparing species distributions modelled from occurrence data and from expert-based range maps. Implication for predicting range shifts with climate change Fourcade, Yoan 2016 species distribution modeling, ecological modeling, climate change impacts on biodiversity
Climate change is advancing spring onset across the U.S. national park system Monahan, W. B., A. Rosemartin, K. L. Gerst, N. A. Fisichelli, T. Ault, M. D. Schwartz, J. E. Gross, and J. F. Weltzin 2016 phenology
Biodiversity scenarios neglect future land use changes Titeux, Nicolas, Klaus Henle, Jean-Baptiste Mihoub, Adrián Regos, Ilse R. Geijzendorffer, Wolfgang Cramer, Peter H. Verburg, and Lluís Brotons 2016 land use, biodiversity management, land use planning
Spatial, temporal and latitudinal components of historical fire regimes in mixed conifer forests, California Krasnow, Kevin D., Danny L. Fry, and Scott L. Stephens 2016 wildfire, historical biogeography, forests
Averaged 30 year climate change projections mask opportunities for species establishment Serra-Diaz, Josep M., Janet Franklin, Lynn C. Sweet, Ian M. McCullough, Alexandra D. Syphard, Helen M. Regan, Lorraine E. Flint, Alan L. Flint, John R. Dingman, Max Moritz, Kelly Redmond, Lee Hannah, and Frank W. Davis 2016 population dynamics, tree mortality, climate change impacts on biodiversity
Make climate-change assessments more relevant Hallegatte, Stéphane, and Katharine J. Mach 2016 communication about climate change, science delivery
Santa Ana Winds of Southern California: Their climatology, extremes, and behavior spanning six and a half decades Guzman-Morales, J., A. Gershunov, J. Theiss, H. Li, and D. Cayan 2016 wind
Landslides in West Coast metropolitan areas: the role of extreme weather events Biasutti, Michela, Richard Seager, and Dalia B. Kirschbaum 2016 extreme events, precipitation, climate change impacts
