Climate change vulnerability of native and alien freshwater fishes of California: a systematic assessment approach |
Moyle, Peter B., Kiernan, Joseph D., Crain, Patrick K. and Quiñones, Rebecca M. |
2013 |
fish, climate change impacts, vulnerability assessment |
Climate change's impact on key ecosystem services and the human well-being they support in the US |
Nelson, Erik J., Kareiva, Peter, Ruckelshaus, Mary, Arkema, Katie, Geller, Gary, Girvetz, Evan, Goodrich, Dave, Matzek, Virginia, Pinsky, Malin, Reid, Walt, Saunders, Martin, Semmens, Darius, and Tallis, Heather |
2013 |
ecosystem services, biodiversity |
Climate change, atmospheric rivers, and floods in California - a multimodel analysis of storm frequency and magnitude changes |
Dettinger, Michael |
2011 |
atmospheric rivers, climate change, precipitation, flooding |
Climate change, climate justice and the application of probabilistic event attribution to summer heat extremes in the California Central Valley |
Mera, Roberto, Massey, Neil, Rupp, David E., Mote, Philip, Allen, Myles, and Frumhoff, Peter C. |
2015 |
climate modeling, extreme events, human communities |
Climate change, fire management, and ecological services in the southwestern US |
Hurteau, Matthew D., John B. Bradford, Peter Z. Fulé, Alan H. Taylor, and Katherine L. Martin |
2014 |
wildfire, climate change impacts, ecosystem services |
Climate change, genetic markers and species distribution modelling |
Gotelli, Nicholas J. and John Stanton-Geddes |
2015 |
species distribution modeling, ecological genetics, biodiversity |
Climate change, growth, and California wildfire |
Westerling, A. L., Bryant, B. P., Preisler, H. K., Holmes, T. P., Hidalgo, H. G., Das, T. and Shrestha, S. R. |
2009 |
climate change projections, urban growth, wildfire |
Climate change, wine, and conservation |
Hannah, Lee, Roehrdanz, Patrick R., Ikegami, Makihiko, Shepard, Anderson V., Shaw, M. Rebecca, Tabor, Gary, Zhi, Lu, Marquet, Pablo A., and Hijmans, Robert J. |
2013 |
viticulture, ecosystem services, climate change adaptation |
Climate Change: Confronting the Challenge |
California Department of Fish and Game |
2010 |
resource management, wildlife |
Climate Change: Evaluating Your Local and Regional Water Resources: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet |
Flint, Lorraine E., Alan L. Flint, James H. Thorne |
February, 2015 |
California Basin Characterization Model, hydrology, climate change projections, downscaled climate data, water resources |
Climate Exposure of US National Parks in a New Era of Change |
Monahan, W. B., and N. A. Fisichelli |
July 2, 2014 |
national parks, climate change assessment |
Climate Extremes: Observations, Modeling, and Impacts |
Easterling, D. R., G. A. Meehl, C. Parmesan, S. A. Changnon, T. R. Karl, and L. O. Mearns |
2000 |
extreme events |
Climate gradients, climate change, and special edaphic floras |
Harrison, Susan, Damschen, Ellen, and Going, Barbara M. |
2009 |
edaphic communities, biodiversity, rare plants |
Climate information websites: an evolving landscape |
Hewitson, Bruce, Katinka Waagsaether, Jan Wohland, Kate Kloppers, and Teizeen Kara |
2017 |
communication about climate change, information networks |
Climate Justice Summary Report |
Roos, Michelle |
2018 |
climate justice, human communities, climate change adaptation |
Climate model genealogy |
Masson, D. and Knutti, R. |
2011 |
climate modeling, climate science, model uncertainty |