Aboveground live carbon stock changes of California wildland ecosystems, 2001–2010 |
Gonzalez, Patrick, John J. Battles, Brandon M. Collins, Timothy Robards, and David S. Saah |
2015 |
forest management, carbon sequestration, carbon storage, wildfire |
Revisiting the recent California drought as an extreme value |
Robeson, Scott M. |
2015 |
drought, extreme events, historical climate |
Predicting large wildfires across western North America by modeling seasonal variation in soil water balance |
Waring, Richard H., and Nicholas C. Coops |
2015 |
fire frequency, soil moisture, remote sensing, wildfire |
Climate change modifies risk of global biodiversity loss due to land-cover change |
Mantyka-Pringle, Chrystal S., Piero Visconti, Moreno Di Marco, Tara G. Martin, Carlo Rondinini, and Jonathan R. Rhodes |
2015 |
land cover, climate change impacts on biodiversity, land use |
Forest structure and species traits mediate projected recruitment declines in western US tree species |
Dobrowski, Solomon Z., Swanson, Alan K., Abatzoglou, John T., Holden, Zachary A., Safford, Hugh D, Schwartz, Mike K. and Gavin, Daniel G. |
2015 |
climatic water deficit, forest management, biodiversity |
Quantitative tools and simultaneous actions needed for species conservation under climate change-Reply to Shoo et al. (2013) |
Shoo, Luke P., Ary A. Hoffmann, Stephen Garnett, John K. Scott, and Stephen E. Williams |
2015 |
decision making under uncertainty, climate change impacts on biodiversity, biodiversity management |
Integrating climate change vulnerability assessments from species distribution models and trait-based approaches |
Willis, S. G., W. Foden, D. J. Baker, E. Belle, N. D. Burgess, J. A. Carr, N. Doswald, , R.A. Garcia, A. Hartley, C. Hof, T. Newbold, C. Rahbek, R.J. Smith, P. Visconti, B.E. Young, and S.H.M. Butchart |
2015 |
species distribution modeling, climate change impacts on biodiversity, vulnerability assessment |
Back to the future: using historical climate variation to project near-term shifts in habitat suitable for coast redwood |
Fernández, Miguel, Healy H. Hamilton, and Lara M. Kueppers |
2015 |
redwoods, biodiversity, climate modeling |
Revisiting the past to foretell the future: summer temperature and habitat area predict pika extirpations in California |
Stewart, Joseph A. E., Perrine, John D., Nichols, Lyle B., Thorne, James H., Millar, Constance I., Goehring, Kenneth E., Massing, Cody P., and Wright, David H. |
2015 |
mammals, biodiversity, species distributions, American pika |
Developing a spatially-explicit climate adaptation framework for estuarine ecosystems of the San Francisco Bay: Climate Adaptation for Decision Support |
Mattsson, B.J., B. Huning, G. Block, K. Robinson, C. Sloop, and J. Cummings |
2015 |
estuarine ecosystems, tidal marshes, San Francisco Bay, intertidal communities |
Why geodiversity matters in valuing nature's stage |
Hjort, Jan, John E. Gordon, Murray Gray, and Malcolm L. Hunter |
2015 |
geodiversity, conservation planning, biodiversity management |
Ecological and evolutionary impacts of changing climatic variability |
Vázquez, Diego P., Ernesto Gianoli, William F. Morris, and Francisco Bozinovic |
2015 |
ecological genetics, climate variability, population genetics |
Climate-change adaptation on rangelands: linking regional exposure with diverse adaptive capacity |
Briske, David D, Linda A Joyce, H Wayne Polley, Joel R Brown, Klaus Wolter, Jack A Morgan, Bruce A McCarl, and Derek W Bailey |
2015 |
rangelands, climate change impacts, precipitation |
California heat waves |
California-Nevada Climate Applications Program |
2015 |
extreme heat, temperature, climate change impacts |
Collaborative decision-analytic framework to maximize resilience of tidal marshes to climate change |
Thorne, Karen M., Brady J. Mattsson, John Takekawa, Jonathan Cummings, Debby Crouse, Giselle Block, Valary Bloom, Matt Gerhart, Steve Goldbeck, Beth Huning, Christina Sloop, Mendel Stewart, Karen Taylor, Laura Valoppi |
2015 |
decision making, decision making under uncertainty, sea level rise, coastal adaptation planning, tidal marshes |
A spatially comprehensive, hydrometeorological data set for Mexico, the U.S., and Southern Canada 1950–2013 |
Livneh, Ben, Theodore J. Bohn, David W. Pierce, Francisco Munoz-Arriola, Bart Nijssen, Russell Vose, Daniel R. Cayan, and Levi Brekke |
2015 |
historical climate, meteorological data, gridded climate data, temperature, precipitation |
The pace of past climate change vs. potential bird distributions and land use in the United States |
Bateman, Brooke L., Anna M. Pidgeon, Volker C. Radeloff, Jeremy VanDerWal, Wayne E. Thogmartin, Stephen J. Vavrus, and Patricia J. Heglund |
2015 |
biodiversity, birds, species distributions |
Global weather and local butterflies: variable responses to a large-scale climate pattern along an elevational gradient |
Pardikes, Nicholas A., Arthur M. Shapiro, Lee A. Dyer, and Matthew L. Forister |
2015 |
butterflies, El Niño - Southern Oscillation, sea surface temperature |
Irrigation as an historical climate forcing |
Cook, Benjamin I., Sonali P. Shukla, Michael J. Puma, and Larissa S. Nazarenko |
2015 |
agriculture, climate dynamics, water management, surface temperature |
Climate Ready Sonoma County: Climate Hazards and Vulnerabilities |
Cornwall, C., S. Moore, D. DiPietro, S. Veloz, L. Micheli, L.Casey, M. Mersich |
2015 |
climate adaptation, climate change impacts |