List Documents in Library

Title Author Datesort ascending Subjects
California Landscape Conservation Cooperative; Creating Science-Based Tools for on-the-Ground Climate Change Planning and Adaptation San Francisco Estuary Partnership February, 2013 conservation planning, climate change research
Analysis Of The Costs And Benefits Of Using Tidal Marsh Restoration As A Sea Level Rise Adaptation Strategy In San Francisco Bay Lowe, Jeremy, Battalio, Bob, Brennan, Matt, Holmes, Marc, Niemi, Ernie and Toms, Christina February, 2013 tidal marshes, sea level rise, restoration, coastal flooding, flood risk management
Re-Framing Forest and Resource Management Strategies for a Climate Change Context Millar, C.I., Stephenson, N.L., and Stephens, S.L. February, 2008 forest management, adaptation strategies
Impacts of Climate Change and Invasive Plants in Sierra Meadows: Overview and Recommendations California Invasive Plant Council December, 2015 invasive species, meadows
Incorporating Climate Resilience into Invasive Plant Management Projects: Guidance for Land Managers California Invasive Plant Council December, 2015 invasive species
Coastal Fog, Climate Change, and the Environment Torregrosa, A., T. O’Brien, and I. C. Faloona December, 2014 fog
The Terrestrial Biodiversity Climate Change Collaborative (TBC3): an Interdisciplinary Strategy for Advancing Science-based Conservation Micheli, E., and Ackerly, D. December, 2013 hydrology, biodiversity, resilience
Biodiversity “Vital Signs”; a coupled Ecosystem-Climate Monitoring Framework for Sonoma County Micheli, E., and DiPietro, D. December, 2013 monitoring, monitoring networks, climate change impacts
Adapting to Climate Change State of the Science for North Bay Watersheds: A Guide for Managers Lisa Micheli, Lorraine Flint, Alan Flint, Morgan Kennedy,Stuart Weiss, Ryan Branciforte December, 2010 downscaling, hydrology, case studies
Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment of Rare Plants in California Anacker, Brian; Leidholm, Krystal; Gogol-Prokurat, Melanie; and Schoenig, Steve December 12, 2011 vulnerability assessment, rare plants
State of the Climate in 2012. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society Blunden, J., Arndt, D. August, 2013
Wintering Shorebird Monitoring Plans for Coastal California / Baja, Central Valley, and San Francisco Bay Area Reiter, M. E., W. D. Shuford, K. M. Strum, C. M. Hickey, and G. W. Page April, 2012
Methodology for Building Habitat Connectivity for Climate Adaptation: Mayacamas to Berryessa Connectivity Network (M2B) Morgan Gray, Lisa MIcheli, and Adina Merenlender 5/21/2018 connectivity, landscape conservation planning, climate change
The relative influence of climate and housing development on current and projected future fire patterns and structure loss across three California landscapes. Alexandra D. Syphard, Rustigian-Romsos, H., Mann, M., Conlisk, E., Moritz, M. A., Ackerly, D. 2019-05 wildfire, fire, bioclimatic modeling, land use
Adapting to sea level rise: Emerging governance issues in the San Francisco Bay Region Pinto, P. J., Kondolf, G. M. & Wong, P. L. R. 2018-12-01 sea level rise, communication about climate change, wetlands, adaptation strategies
Near-future forest vulnerability to drought and fire varies across the western United States Buotte, P. C. et al. 2018-11 drought, wildfire, forests, climate change vulnerability
Using species traits to guide conservation actions under climate change Butt, N. & Gallagher, R. 2018-09 vulnerability assessment, plants
California Winter Precipitation Predictability: Insights From the Anomalous 2015–2016 and 2016–2017 Seasons Singh, D., Ting, M., Scaife, A. A. & Martin, N. 2018-09 precipitation, climate modeling
Life history characteristics may be as important as climate projections for defining range shifts: An example for common tree species in the intermountain western US Copeland, S. M., Bradford, J. B., Duniway, M. C. & Butterfield, B. J. 2018-08 climate change impacts on biodiversity, species distribution modeling, plants
Animal responses to natural disturbance and climate extremes: a review Sergio, F., Blas, J. & Hiraldo, F. 2018-02 climate change impacts on biodiversity, extreme events, natural disturbances, phenology
