Dramatic declines in mussel bed community diversity: response to climate change? |
Smith, Jason R., Fong, Peggy, and Ambrose, Richard F. |
2006 |
intertidal communities, climate change impacts, invertebrates, Pacific Decadal Oscillation |
Downscaling with Constructed Analogues: Daily Precipitation and Temperature Fields Over the United States |
Hidalgo, Hugo G., Dettinger, Michael D., and Cayan, Daniel R. |
2008 |
regional climate models, downscaling |
Downscaling future climate scenarios to fine scales for hydrologic and ecological modeling and analysis |
Flint, Lorraine E. and Flint, Alan L. |
2012 |
downscaling, climate change, bioclimatic modeling |
Downscaling future climate projections to the watershed scale: a North San Francisco Bay Estuary case study |
Micheli, Elisabeth, Flint, Lorraine, Flint, Alan, Weiss, Stuart , and Kennedy, Morgan |
2012 |
case studies, climate change impacts, hydrology, downscaling, Basin Characterization Model, stream flow, groundwater recharge, climatic water deficit |
Does global change increase the success of biological invaders? |
Dukes, Jeffrey S. and Mooney, Harold A. |
1999 |
invasive species, nutrient cycling, biodiversity |
Does functional type vulnerability to multiple threats depend on spatial context in Mediterranean-climate regions? |
Syphard, A. D., H. M. Regan, J. Franklin, R. M. Swab, and T. C. Bonebrake |
March, 2014 |
fire, vulnerability assessment |
Does El Niño Intensity Matter for California Precipitation? |
Hoell, Andrew, Martin Hoerling, Jon Eischeid, Klaus Wolter, Randall Dole, Judith Perlwitz, Taiyi Xu, and Linyin Cheng |
2015 |
El Niño - Southern Oscillation, precipitation, climate modeling |
Dissecting indices of aridity for assessing the impacts of global climate change |
Girvetz, Evan H. and Zganjar, Chris |
2014 |
drought, climate change impacts, precipitation, evapotranspiration |
Different fire–climate relationships on forested and non-forested landscapes in the Sierra Nevada ecoregion |
Keeley, Jon E. and Syphard, Alexandra D. |
2015 |
wildfire, forest management, climate change impacts |
Development of gridded surface meteorological data for ecological applications and modelling |
Abatzoglou, John T. |
2011 |
gridded climate data, ecological modeling |
Development of a natural practice to adapt conservation goals to global change |
Heller, Nicole E. and Hobbs, Richard J. |
2014 |
biodiversity management, biological conservation, habitat conservation |
Development and Application of Downscaled Hydroclimatic Predictor Variables for Use in Climate Vulnerability and Assessment Studies |
Thorne, James, Boynton, Ryan, Flint, Lorraine, Flint, Alan, Le, Thuy-N'Goc |
2012 |
climate change projections, hydrologic modeling, climatic water deficit, downscaling |
Developing and implementing climate change adaptation options in forest ecosystems: a case study in southwestern Oregon, USA |
Halofsky, Jessica E., David L. Peterson, Kerry L. Metlen, M. Gwyneth Myer, and V. Alaric Sample |
2016 |
forests, climate change adaptation, vulnerability assessment, case studies |
Developing a spatially-explicit climate adaptation framework for estuarine ecosystems of the San Francisco Bay: Climate Adaptation for Decision Support |
Mattsson, B.J., B. Huning, G. Block, K. Robinson, C. Sloop, and J. Cummings |
2015 |
estuarine ecosystems, tidal marshes, San Francisco Bay, intertidal communities |
Determining Landscape Connectivity and Climate Change Refugia Across the Sierra Nevada |
Moritz, Craig, Steven R. Beissinger, Toni Lyn Morelli, Sean P. Maher |
October, 2014 |
connectivity, biodiversity |
Detecting long-term occupancy changes in Californian odonates from natural history and citizen science records |
Rapacciuolo, G., J. E. Ball-Damerow, A. R. Zeilinger, and V. H. Resh |
2017 |
monitoring, insects, temperature trends, biodiversity management, citizen science |
Designing ecological climate change impact assessments to reflect key climatic drivers |
Sofaer, Helen R, Joseph J Barsugli, Catherine S Jarnevich, John T Abatzoglou, Marian K Talbert, Brian W Miller, and Jeffrey T. Morisette |
2017 |
climate change impacts on biodiversity, bioclimatic modeling, climate change assessment |
Designing Climate-Smart Conservation: Guidance and Case Studies |
Hansen, L., Hoffman, J., Drews, C., Meilbrecht, E. |
2009 |
sea level rise, climate-smart conservation, adaptation, adaptive management, climate change, coral reefs, mangrove forests, resilience, sea turtles, mammals, case studies |
Definition and Principles for Climate Smart Conservation |
Ellie Cohen, Point Blue Conservation Science |
September, 2013 |
climate-smart conservation |
Defining ecological drought for the 21st century |
Crausbay, Shelley D., Aaron R. Ramirez, Shawn L. Carter, Molly S. Cross, Kimberly R. Hall, Deborah J. Bathke, Julio L. Betancourt, et al. |
2017 |
drought, climate change vulnerability, ecosystem management |