Document Catalog

The Climate Commons Document Library contains catalog records for documents hosted on the Commons and elsewhere. Many of the documents are linked to data found in the Climate Commons Data Catalog and provide useful information about the creation of the data and/or research projects that used it.

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Titlesort ascending Author Date Subjects
Preparing for and managing change: climate adaptation for biodiversity and ecosystems Stein, Bruce A., Staudt, Amanda, Cross, Molly S., Dubois, Natalie S., Enquist, Carolyn, Griffis, Roger, Hansen, Lara J., Hllmann, Jessica J., Lawler, Joshua J., Nelson, Erik J., and Paris, Amber 2013 climate change adaptation, biodiversity, biodiversity management, climate-smart conservation
Predicting willingness-to-sell and its utility for assessing conservation opportunity for expanding protected area networks Guerrero, Angela M., Knight, Andrew T., Grantham, Hedley S., Cowling, Richard M., and Wilson, Kerrie A. 2010 conservation planning, conservation prioritization
Predicting thermal vulnerability of stream and river ecosystems to climate change Hill, Ryan A., Hawkins, Charles P., and Jin, Jiming 2014 riparian ecosystems, water temperature, climate change impacts
Predicting the likely response of data-poor ecosystems to climate change using space-for-time substitution across domains Lester, Rebecca E., Paul G. Close, Jan L. Barton, Adam J. Pope, and Stuart C. Brown 2014 climate change impacts on biodiversity, ecological modeling, ecosystem management
Predicting the effects of climate change on the size and frequency of floods in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley Das, Tapash 2011 flood risk management, climate change impacts
Predicting species responses to climate change: demography and climate microrefugia in California valley oak (Quercus lobata) Mclaughlin, B. C. and Zaveleta, E. S. 2012 bioclimatic modeling, climate change, Quercus lobata, plants
Predicting species distribution: offering more than simple habitat models Guisan, Antoine, Edwards, and Thullier, Wilfried 2005 species distribution modeling, ecological modeling
Predicting large wildfires across western North America by modeling seasonal variation in soil water balance Waring, Richard H., and Nicholas C. Coops 2015 fire frequency, soil moisture, remote sensing, wildfire
Predicting changes in the distribution and abundance of species under environmental change Ehrlén, Johan, and William F. Morris 2015 population dynamics, species distribution modeling, climate change impacts on biodiversity
Potential inundation due to rising sea levels in the San Francisco Bay Region Knowles, Noah March 2009 sea level rise, climate change
Potential inundation due to rising sea levels in the San Francisco Bay Region Knowles, Noah 2010 sea level rise, climate change
Potential increase in floods in California’s Sierra Nevada under future climate projections Das, Tapash, Dettinger, Michael, Cayan, Daniel, and Hidalgo, Hugo 2011 flooding, climate change, water management
Potential implications of PCM climate change scenarios for Sacramento–San Joaquin River basin hydrology and water resources VanRheenen, Nathan T., Wood, Andrew W., Palmer, Richard N., and Lettenmaier, Dennis P. 2004 hydrologic modeling, climate change, water resources
Potential impacts of increased coastal flooding in California due to sea-level rise Heberger, Matthew, Cooley, Heather, Herrera, Pablo, Gleick, Peter, and Moore, Eli 2011 sea level rise, coastal flooding, climate change
Potential impacts of global climate change on Tijuana River Watershed hydrology - an initial analysis Das, Tapash, Dettinger, Michael D., and Cayan, Daniel R. 2010 climate change projections, hydrologic modeling
Potential impacts of climate change on California hydrology Miller, Norman L., Bashford, Kathy E., and Strem, Eric 2003 hydrologic modeling, water resources, climate change
