The Terrestrial Biodiversity Climate Change Collaborative (TBC3): an Interdisciplinary Strategy for Advancing Science-based Conservation |
Micheli, E., and Ackerly, D. |
December, 2013 |
hydrology, biodiversity, resilience |
Biodiversity “Vital Signs”; a coupled Ecosystem-Climate Monitoring Framework for Sonoma County |
Micheli, E., and DiPietro, D. |
December, 2013 |
monitoring, monitoring networks, climate change impacts |
Coastal Fog, Climate Change, and the Environment |
Torregrosa, A., T. O’Brien, and I. C. Faloona |
December, 2014 |
fog |
Impacts of Climate Change and Invasive Plants in Sierra Meadows: Overview and Recommendations |
California Invasive Plant Council |
December, 2015 |
invasive species, meadows |
Incorporating Climate Resilience into Invasive Plant Management Projects: Guidance for Land Managers |
California Invasive Plant Council |
December, 2015 |
invasive species |
Re-Framing Forest and Resource Management Strategies for a Climate Change Context |
Millar, C.I., Stephenson, N.L., and Stephens, S.L. |
February, 2008 |
forest management, adaptation strategies |
Analysis Of The Costs And Benefits Of Using Tidal Marsh Restoration As A Sea Level Rise Adaptation Strategy In San Francisco Bay |
Lowe, Jeremy, Battalio, Bob, Brennan, Matt, Holmes, Marc, Niemi, Ernie and Toms, Christina |
February, 2013 |
tidal marshes, sea level rise, restoration, coastal flooding, flood risk management |
California Landscape Conservation Cooperative; Creating Science-Based Tools for on-the-Ground Climate Change Planning and Adaptation |
San Francisco Estuary Partnership |
February, 2013 |
conservation planning, climate change research |
Climate Change Communications and Engagement Strategy |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wildlife Refuge System |
February, 2014 |
communication about climate change |
Climate Change: Evaluating Your Local and Regional Water Resources: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet |
Flint, Lorraine E., Alan L. Flint, James H. Thorne |
February, 2015 |
California Basin Characterization Model, hydrology, climate change projections, downscaled climate data, water resources |
The magnitude and spatial patterns of historical and future hydrologic change in California’s watersheds |
Thorne, James H., Ryan Boynton, Lorraine E. Flint, Alan L. Flint |
February, 2015 |
climate change projections, hydrology, downscaled climate data |
Effects of pool characteristics on California tiger salamander larval density at Dutchman Creek Conservation Bank, Merced County |
Brand, A. L., Scherer, R., and Hansen, E. |
February, 2016 |
California tiger salamander |
GOES-derived fog and low cloud indices for coastal north and central California ecological analyses |
Torregrosa, A., C. Combs, and J. Peters |
February, 2016 |
fog |
SF Bay Area Map of Average Summertime Hours of Fog & Low Cloud Cover Per Day |
Torregrosa, A., C. Combs, and J. Peters |
February, 2016 |
Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment & Adaptation Strategies for Sierra Nevada Resources; Sierra Nevada Workshop Series October 14-17, 2014 Workshop Summary Report |
Kershner, Jessi, Whitney Reynier |
January 2015 |
vulnerability assessment, adaptation planning |
Wildlife in a Warming World |
Staudt, Amanda, Shott, Corey. Inkley, Doug and Ricker, Isabel |
January, 2013 |
climate change adaptation, wildlife, biodiversity management |