Wildfire and drought dynamics destabilize carbon stores of fire-suppressed forests |
Earles, J. Mason, Malcolm P. North, and Matthew D. Hurteau |
2014 |
carbon storage, wildfire, drought, forest management |
What can ecological science tell us about opportunities for carbon sequestration on arid rangelands in the United States? |
Booker, Kayje, Huntsinger, Lynn, Bartolome, James W., Sayre, Nathan F., and Stewart, William |
2013 |
carbon sequestration, rangelands, ecosystem management |
Western water and climate change |
Dettinger, Michael, Bradley Udall, and Aris Georgakakos |
2015 |
water management, climate change impacts, precipitation |
Western Regional Action Plan (WRAP) : NOAA Fisheries climate science strategy |
NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center |
November, 2016 |
fisheries, native fishes |
Warming and earlier spring increase western U.S. forest wildfire activity |
Westerling, A. L., Hidalgo, H. G., Cayan, D. R. and Swetnam, T. W. |
2006 |
climate change, climate change impacts, wildfire |
The West Wide Drought Tracker: drought monitoring at fine spatial scales |
Abatzoglou, John T., Daniel J. McEvoy, and Kelly T. Redmond |
2017 |
drought, climate monitoring, evapotranspiration, precipitation |
Superensemble regional climate modeling for the western US |
Mote, Philip W., Myles R. Allen, Richard G. Jones, Sihan Li, Roberto Mera, David E. Rupp, Ahmed Salahuddin, and Dean Vickers |
2015 |
climate modeling, regional climate models |
Statistical downscaling using localized constructed analogs (LOCA) |
Pierce, David W., Cayan, Daniel R., and Thrasher, Bridget L. |
2014 |
climate modeling, regional climate models, downscaling |
Shifts in the thermal niche of almond under climate change |
Parker, Lauren E., and John T. Abatzoglou |
2018 |
agriculture, climate change impacts, bioclimatic modeling |
Riparian meadow response to modern conservation grazing management |
Oles, Kristin M., Dave A. Weixelman, David F. Lile, Kenneth W. Tate, Laura K. Snell, and Leslie M. Roche |
2017 |
meadows, grazing, biodiversity management |
Regional projections of the likelihood of very large wildland fires under a changing climate in the contiguous Western United States |
Stavros, E. Natasha, Abatzoglou, John T., McKenzie, Donald, and Larkin, Narasimhan K. |
2014 |
wildfire, climate change impacts |
Near-future forest vulnerability to drought and fire varies across the western United States |
Buotte, P. C. et al. |
2018-11 |
drought, wildfire, forests, climate change vulnerability |
Large wildfire trends in the western United States, 1984–2011 |
Dennison, Philip E., Simon C. Brewer, James D. Arnold, and Max A. Moritz |
2014 |
drought, wildfire, fire frequency |
Land surveys show regional variability of historical fire regimes and dry forest structure of the western United States |
Baker, William L., and Mark A. Williams |
2018 |
historical biogeography, fire, forests |
Indian time: time, seasonality, and culture in Traditional Ecological Knowledge of climate change |
Hatfield, Samantha Chisholm, Elizabeth Marino, Kyle Powys Whyte, Kathie D. Dello, and Philip W. Mote |
2018 |
traditional ecological knowledge, climate change assessment, epistemology |
Identifying climate risk perceptions, information needs, and barriers to information exchange among public land managers |
Peters, Casey B., Mark W. Schwartz, and Mark N. Lubell |
2018 |
ecosystem management, vulnerability assessment, climate change impacts |
Forest structure and species traits mediate projected recruitment declines in western US tree species |
Dobrowski, Solomon Z., Swanson, Alan K., Abatzoglou, John T., Holden, Zachary A., Safford, Hugh D, Schwartz, Mike K. and Gavin, Daniel G. |
2015 |
climatic water deficit, forest management, biodiversity |
Empirical analyses of plant-climate relationships for the Western United States |
Rehfeldt, Gerald E., Crookston, Nicholas L., Warwell, Marcus V., and Evans, Jeffrey S. |
2006 |
bioclimatic modeling, vegetation distribution |
Effects of climate change on snowpack and fire potential in the western USA |
Gergel, Diana R., Bart Nijssen, John T. Abatzoglou, Dennis P. Lettenmaier, and Matt R. Stumbaugh |
2017 |
snowpack, wildfire, climate change impacts |
Dramatic declines in snowpack in the western US |
Mote, Philip W., Sihan Li, Dennis P. Lettenmaier, Mu Xiao, and Ruth Engel |
2018 |
snowpack, climate change impacts, water resources |
Development of gridded surface meteorological data for ecological applications and modelling |
Abatzoglou, John T. |
2011 |
gridded climate data, ecological modeling |
Climatic stress increases forest fire severity across the western United States |
van Mantgem, Philip J, Nesmith, Jonathan C. B., Keifer, MaryBeth, Knapp, Eric E., Flint, Alan, and Flint, Lorraine |
2013 |
biodiversity, fire frequency, wildfire |
Climatic correlates of tree mortality in water- and energy-limited forests |
Das, Adrian J., Stephenson, Nathan L, Flint, Alan, Das, Tapash, and van Mantgem, Phillip J. |
2013 |
climatic water deficit, biodiversity, tree mortality |
Climatic change, wildfire, and conservation |
McKenzie, Donald, Ze’ev Gedalof, David L. Peterson, and Philip Mote |
2004 |
wildfire, climate variability, paleoclimates |
Climate-change adaptation on rangelands: linking regional exposure with diverse adaptive capacity |
Briske, David D, Linda A Joyce, H Wayne Polley, Joel R Brown, Klaus Wolter, Jack A Morgan, Bruce A McCarl, and Derek W Bailey |
2015 |
rangelands, climate change impacts, precipitation |
Climate change and the eco-hydrology of fire: Will area burned increase in a warming western USA? |
McKenzie, Donald, and Jeremy S. Littell |
2017 |
wildfire, climate change impacts, drought |
Artificial amplification of warming trends across the mountains of the western United States |
Oyler, Jared W., Dobrowski, Solomon Z., Ballantyne, Ashley P., Klene, Anna E., and Running, Steven W. |
2015 |
model uncertainty, climate change assessment, temperature trends |
Analog-based fire regime and vegetation shifts in mountainous regions of the western US |
Parks, Sean A., Lisa M. Holsinger, Carol Miller, and Marc-André Parisien |
2017 |
fire frequency, wildfire, climate change impacts, forests |
Amphibians in the climate vise: loss and restoration of resilience of montane wetland ecosystems in the western US |
Ryan, Maureen E, Wendy J Palen, Michael J Adams, and Regina M Rochefort |
2014 |
wetlands, aquatic ecosystems, alien species, climate change impacts on biodiversity, amphibians |
Amphibians in the climate vise: loss and restoration of resilience of montane wetland ecosystems in the western US |
Ryan, Maureen E., Palen, Wendy J., Adams, Michael J. and Rochefort, Regina M. |
2014 |
amphibians, wetlands, aquatic ecosystems, biodiversity |
A statistical-topographic model for mapping climatological precipitation over mountainous terrain |
Daly, C., Neilson, R. P., and Philips, D. L. |
1994 |
gridded climate data, historical climate, precipitation, PRISM |
A comprehensive, high-resolution database of historical and projected climate surfaces for western North America |
Hamann, Andreas, Wang, Tongli, Spittlehouse, David L., and Murdock, Trevor Q. |
2013 |
climate change projections, gridded climate data |