Western Regional Action Plan (WRAP) : NOAA Fisheries climate science strategy |
NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center |
November, 2016 |
fisheries, native fishes |
Supporting local climate change adaptation: Where we are and where we need to go |
Nordgren, John, Missy Stults, and Sara Meerow |
2016 |
climate change adaptation, adaptation planning, human communities |
Healthy Forests in a Changing Climate for People Who Steward Forestland |
North Bay Climate Adaptation Initiative |
2013 |
forest management, climate change adaptation |
Policy Issues in a Changing Climate For Voters, Elected Officials, Planners, and Policy Makers |
North Bay Climate Adaptation Initiative |
2013 |
climate change adaptation, decision making |
Rivers, Creeks, and Climate Change for People Who Live Near Waterways |
North Bay Climate Adaptation Initiative |
2013 |
climate change adaptation, riparian ecosystems, biodiversity management, climate change impacts |
Climate Change in the North Bay for Residents of Marin, Sonoma, and Napa Counties |
North Bay Climate Adaptation Initiative |
2013 |
climate change adaptation, climate change impacts, climate change assessment |
Carbon storage and sequestration by trees in urban and community areas of the United States |
Nowak, David J., Greenfield, Eric J., Hoehn, Robert E., and Lapoint, Elizabeth |
2013 |
carbon sequestration, climate change mitigation, wildland-urban interface |
Water and Energy Sector Vulnerability to Climate Warming in the Sierra Nevada: Water Year Classification in Non-Stationary Climates |
Null, Sarah E., and Viers, Joshua H. |
2012 |
climate change adaptation, water management |
Hydrologic response and watershed sensitivity to climate warming in California's Sierra Nevada |
Null, Sarah E., Viers, Joshua H., and Mount, Jeffrey F. |
2010 |
hydrology, Sierra Nevada, water management |
Stream temperature sensitivity to climate warming in California’s Sierra Nevada: impacts to coldwater habitat |
Null, Sarah E., Viers, Joshua H., Deas, Michael L, Tanaka, Stacy K., and Mount, Jeffrey F. |
2013 |
water temperature, climate change impacts, aquatic ecosystems, freshwater ecosystems |
Assessing Vulnerability of Tidal Marsh Birds to Climate Change through the Analysis of Population Dynamics and Viability |
Nur, Nadav, Salas, Leonardo, Veloz, Samuel, Wood, Julian,Liu, Leonard, and Ballard, Grant |
2012 |
tidal marshes, birds, population dynamics, vulnerability assessment |
Mechanisms underpinning climatic impacts on natural populations: altered species interactions are more important than direct effects |
Ockendon, Nancy, Baker, David J. , Carr, Jamie A., White, Elizabeth C., Almond, Rosamude E. A., Amano, Tatsuya, Bertram, Esther, Bradbury, Richard B., Bradley, Cassie, Butchart, Stuart H. M., Doswald, Nathalie, Foden, Wendy, Gill, David J.C. and 4 others |
2014 |
biodiversity, biotic interactions, bioclimatic modeling |
Indicators of Climate Change in California - 2018 Report |
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment and California Environmental Protection Agency |
2018 |
environmental indicators, climate change assessment, climate change impacts |
Indicators of Climate Change in California |
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment and California Environmental Protection Agency |
2013 |
environmental indicators, climate change assessment, climate change impacts |
Riparian meadow response to modern conservation grazing management |
Oles, Kristin M., Dave A. Weixelman, David F. Lile, Kenneth W. Tate, Laura K. Snell, and Leslie M. Roche |
2017 |
meadows, grazing, biodiversity management |
Influence of climatic niche suitability and geographical overlap on hybridization patterns among southern Californian oaks |
Ortego, Joaquin, Gugger, Paul F., Riordan, Eric C., and Sork, Victoria L. |
2014 |
Quercus engelmannii, plants, ecological genetics, biodiversity |
Southwest Climate Change Assessment Report: Summary for Decision Makers |
Overpeck, Jonathan, Garfin, G., Jardine, A., Busch, D. E., Cayan, D., Dettinger, M., Fleishman, E., Gershunov, A., Macdonald, G., Redmond, K. T., Travis, W. R., Udall, B. |
2013 |
climate change, climate change projections, historical climate |
Sea-level rise and refuge habitats for tidal marsh species: Can artificial islands save the California Ridgway’s rail? |
Overton, CT, JY Takekawa, ML Casazza, TD Bui, M Holyoak, DR Strong |
2014 |
sea level rise, tidal marshes, Ridgeway's rail (California clapper rail) |
Artificial amplification of warming trends across the mountains of the western United States |
Oyler, Jared W., Dobrowski, Solomon Z., Ballantyne, Ashley P., Klene, Anna E., and Running, Steven W. |
2015 |
model uncertainty, climate change assessment, temperature trends |
Climate science and slow violence: A view from political geography and STS on mobilizing technoscientific ontologies of climate change |
O’Lear, Shannon |
2015 |
science and technology studies, social science, climate science |