Biodiversity management in the face of climate change: A review of 22 years of recommendations |
Heller, Nicole E. and Zavaleta, Erika S. |
2009 |
biodiversity management, biological conservation, climate change adaptation, climate-smart conservation |
Biodiversity scenarios neglect future land use changes |
Titeux, Nicolas, Klaus Henle, Jean-Baptiste Mihoub, Adrián Regos, Ilse R. Geijzendorffer, Wolfgang Cramer, Peter H. Verburg, and Lluís Brotons |
2016 |
land use, biodiversity management, land use planning |
Biodiversity “Vital Signs”; a coupled Ecosystem-Climate Monitoring Framework for Sonoma County |
Micheli, E., and DiPietro, D. |
December, 2013 |
monitoring, monitoring networks, climate change impacts |
Bioinvasions in a Changing World: A Resource on Invasive Species - Climate Change Interactions for Conservation and Natural Resource Management |
Ad Hoc Working Group on Invasive Species and Climate Change |
2014 |
invasive species, biodiversity |
BioMove – Creation of a Complex and Dynamic Model for Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change on California Vegetation |
Hannah, Lee, Midgley, Guy, Davies, Ian, Davis, Frank, Ries, Lydia, Thuiller, Wilfried, Thorne, James, Seo, Changwan, Stoms, David, and Snider, Nathan |
2008 |
species distribution modeling, vegetation distribution, climate change |
Bird species at risk in California’s Central Valley: a framework for setting conservation objectives |
Shuford, W. David, and Meghan Hertel |
2017 |
bird conservation, birds, conservation prioritization, wetlands |
Birds track their Grinnellian niche through a century of climate change |
Tingley, M. W., Monahan, W. B., Beissinger, S. R., and Moritz, C. |
2009 |
birds, climate change, species distributions |
California 2030 Natural and Working Lands Climate Change Implementation Plan - Concept Paper |
California Air Resources Board, California Environmental Protection Agency, California Department of Food and Agriculture, and California Natural Resources Agency |
2018 |
climate change mitigation, working lands, land use planning, greenhouse gas emissions |
California Amphibian and Reptile Species of Future Concern: Conservation and Climate Change |
Wright, Amber N., Hijmans, Robert J., Schwartz, Mark W., and Shaffer, H. Bradley |
2013 |
reptiles, amphibians, vulnerability assessment, biodiversity, climate change vulnerability |
California Bird Species of Special Concern |
Shuford, D. W. and Gardali, T, Editors |
2008 |
birds |
California Climate Adaptation Planning Guide |
State of California |
July 2012 |
vulnerability assessment, adaptation planning, human communities |
California Climate Adaptation Strategy |
California Natural Resources Agency |
2009 |
climate change impacts, climate change adaptation |
California coastal management with a changing climate |
Hanak, Ellen and Moreno, Georgina |
2012 |
climate change adaptation, coastal zone management |
California forests show early indications of both range shifts and local persistence under climate change |
Serra-Diaz, Josep M., Janet Franklin, Whalen W. Dillon, Alexandra D. Syphard, Frank W. Davis, and Ross K. Meentemeyer |
2016 |
forests, climate change impacts on biodiversity, biogeography |
California from drought to deluge |
Wang, S.-Y. Simon, Jin-Ho Yoon, Emily Becker, and Robert Gillies |
2017 |
drought, precipitation, climate change |
California heat waves |
California-Nevada Climate Applications Program |
2015 |
extreme heat, temperature, climate change impacts |