Climate-change impacts on ecological systems: introduction to a US assessment |
Grimm, Nancy B., Staudinger, Michelle D., Staudt, Amanda, Carter, Shawn L, Chapin, F. Stuart III, Kareiva, Peter, Ruckelshaus, Mary, and Stein, Bruce A. |
2013 |
biodiversity, ecosystem management |
Climate-change adaptation on rangelands: linking regional exposure with diverse adaptive capacity |
Briske, David D, Linda A Joyce, H Wayne Polley, Joel R Brown, Klaus Wolter, Jack A Morgan, Bruce A McCarl, and Derek W Bailey |
2015 |
rangelands, climate change impacts, precipitation |
Climate, habitat quality, and fitness in Northern Spotted Owl populations in northwestern California |
Franklin, Alan B., Anderson, David R., Gutiérrez, R. J., and Burnham, Kenneth P. |
2000 |
Northern Spotted Owl, biodiversity management, bioclimatic modeling |
Climate warming, water storage, and Chinook salmon in California’s Sacramento Valley |
Yates, David, Galbraith, Hector, Purkey, D., Huber-Lee, A., Sieber, J., West, J. Herrod-Julius, S., Joyce, B. |
2008 |
Chinook salmon, water temperature |
Climate warming and water management adaptation for California |
Tanaka, Stacy, Zhu, Tingju, Lund, Jay, Howitt, Richard, Jenkins, Marion, Pulido, Manuel, Tauber, Mélanie, Ritzema, Randall, and Ferreira, Inês |
2006 |
water resources, water management, economic optimization, climate change |
Climate variability and snow pack in the Sierra Nevada |
Cayan, D. R. |
1994 |
climate variability, snowpack, water resources |
Climate Science Special Report: Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume 1 |
Wuebbles, Donald J., David W. Fahey, Kathy A. Hibbard, David J. Dokken, Brooke C. Stewart, and Thomas K. Maycock |
2017 |
climate change assessment, climate change impacts, climate change mitigation |
Climate science and slow violence: A view from political geography and STS on mobilizing technoscientific ontologies of climate change |
O’Lear, Shannon |
2015 |
science and technology studies, social science, climate science |
Climate Ready Sonoma County: Climate Hazards and Vulnerabilities |
Cornwall, C., S. Moore, D. DiPietro, S. Veloz, L. Micheli, L.Casey, M. Mersich |
2015 |
climate adaptation, climate change impacts |
Climate Ready North Bay Vegetation Reports |
Terrestrial Biodiversity Climate Change Consortium (TBC3) |
2016 |
vegetation, climate change impacts on biodiversity, climate change assessment |
Climate projections for ecologists |
Harris, Rebecca Mary B., Grose, Michael R., Lee, Greg, Bindoff, Nathaniel L., Porfirio, Luciana L., and Fox-Hughes, Paul |
2014 |
climate change projections, biodiversity |
Climate Projections FAQ |
Daniels, Amy, Morrison, James F., Joyce, Linda A., Crookston, Nicholas L., Chen, Shyh-Chin, and McNulty, Steven G. |
2012 |
climate change projections, downscaling, vulnerability assessment |
Climate model genealogy |
Masson, D. and Knutti, R. |
2011 |
climate modeling, climate science, model uncertainty |
Climate Justice Summary Report |
Roos, Michelle |
2018 |
climate justice, human communities, climate change adaptation |
Climate information websites: an evolving landscape |
Hewitson, Bruce, Katinka Waagsaether, Jan Wohland, Kate Kloppers, and Teizeen Kara |
2017 |
communication about climate change, information networks |
Climate gradients, climate change, and special edaphic floras |
Harrison, Susan, Damschen, Ellen, and Going, Barbara M. |
2009 |
edaphic communities, biodiversity, rare plants |
Climate Extremes: Observations, Modeling, and Impacts |
Easterling, D. R., G. A. Meehl, C. Parmesan, S. A. Changnon, T. R. Karl, and L. O. Mearns |
2000 |
extreme events |
Climate Exposure of US National Parks in a New Era of Change |
Monahan, W. B., and N. A. Fisichelli |
July 2, 2014 |
national parks, climate change assessment |
Climate Change: Evaluating Your Local and Regional Water Resources: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet |
Flint, Lorraine E., Alan L. Flint, James H. Thorne |
February, 2015 |
California Basin Characterization Model, hydrology, climate change projections, downscaled climate data, water resources |
Climate Change: Confronting the Challenge |
California Department of Fish and Game |
2010 |
resource management, wildlife |